Once approved by COLD, the system wide CSU+ policies help our libraries maintain a consistent level of customer service, cooperation between colleagues, and protection for our library collections.
New Policy Creation or Policy Revision Process
Need for policy identified
Resource Sharing functional committee discusses, drafts policy and posts to ULMS website
Include the following information in the review document, where applicable:current policy text
proposed new policy text
last revision date
status (in process, approved, etc.)
Link to proposed policy text sent to I-SPIE list and ULMS access list for review
Turnaround time for feedback review: minimum 1 week. More where appropriate.
Feedback compiled
Discuss policy feedback from lists in open meeting
Resource Sharing functional committee drafts second version of policy
based on open meeting discussion and written feedback
second draft posted to ULMS website with indication of changes made
Policy sent to ULMS Coordinating Committee for review and approval
if needed comes back to RS functional committee for review
Approved policy sent to COLD for approval
Notice sent to ULMS-access and I-SPIE lists after vote to indicate adoption or veto
*This process is subject to change depending on the workload of the ULMSCC and COLD.
Policy Statement
Policy | Description | Status |
How long materials can be checked out through CSU+. | APPROVED | |
Policy regarding CSU+ materials renewal. | APPROVED | |
Policy on if media items can be loaned through CSU+. | APPROVED | |
Policy on if fines are collected on CSU+ materials. | APPROVED | |
The order of priority between services. | APPROVED | |
Which patron type receives priority for local materials. | APPROVED | |
Policy on the exchange of money between libraries. | APPROVED | |
Billing policy for lost CSU+ materials. | PENDING | |
Policy on placing checked out materials on hold or recalling a checked out CSU+ item. | APPROVED | |
Policy on placing CSU+ items on Course Reserves. | APPROVED | |
Policy on providing service to patrons from another CSU library. | APPROVED | |
The policy on how quickly staff should deliver or cancel requests. | APPROVED |
Historical Policies
Policies | Description | Status |
Policies that were followed from July 2017 - April 2018 | HISTORICAL |