ULMS Resource Management : 2017-09-18 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Upcoming NZ Record Clean-up

Project to remove bibliographic records without inventory from NZ is scheduled for September 22, 2017. In preparation for this project, technical services departments should have completed tasks related to linking records to NZ ignoring CZ records, running a job to link records to NZ to ensure IZ records are linked, as appropriately; and performing a review of bound-withs to ensure there are not broken links.

Members suggested sending regular project reminders via ULMS listserv as well as TS channel in Slack, in addition to announcing and discussing projects and deadlines via the TS Open Forum, to ensure local campuses are aware of projects, deadline, and required tasks.

Reminder about upcoming project and required tasks will be re-distributed via listserv and disseminated via Slack channel. If any campus requests an extension, project can be delayed for a week.

Identification of Marc Data Experts for Joint Discovery/Resource Management Task Force


Eva Sorrell and Israel Yanez agreed to serve on a Joint Task Force (Discovery and Resource Management) to address issues related to MARC data display and indexing in Primo.

Note: For problems related to data display and indexing in Primo, technical services personnel should send Normalization requests using the Primo Normalization Rule Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehZGKFbCzwh6kf146td6u6epYKFRJMkaQ1ZfSI227xrU0xsg/viewform

Normalization requests submitted can be tracked via Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/9tNPyXer/csu-normalization-rule-requests

Note that both links are available from the ULMS Discovery Normalization Rules: https://spaces.calstate.edu/wiki/spaces/ULMSD/pages/80368791/Normalization+Rules

Cataloging and Technical Services Documentation

For a complete list of technical services and cataloging documents, see Technical Services Policies, Best Practices & Procedures. Members were asked to review documentation to identify corrections and new documentation needed. Some suggestions:

New Documents needed:

  • Create a policy document about input of 856 Fields vs. procedure (creation of local portfolio);
  • Create cheat sheets/procedures.


  • Revise documents to reflect current Alma UI terminology;
  • Revise titles of documents to ensure clarity of content (if needed).

Members discussed issues related to duplicate records in NZ (policy) as well as procedures for notifying catalogers/metadata specialists across CSU about selection of records and duplicate-record resolution in NZ. While some campuses may not have the resources to notify other campuses, we should follow policy to avoid inputting duplicate records in NZ and assist with duplicate-record management in NZ, if duplicate records are detected.

Survey will be sent to TS departments to create a list of cataloging contacts on each campus in support of this work.  

Topics (for next meeting)

Documentation (Some Examples/Ideas)

TS Open Forums & Collaboration with Functional Committees

  • Topics (e.g., Titles for bound-withs & Fulfillment: Problems; E-Collections (Management of Consortium Collections: Marcive; Data sets, etc.))

 Authority Work Task Force

  • Form group to assess authority work post-migration, as per recommendation from Authority Control Task Force.

Action items

  • Send reminder about upcoming project via ULMS TS List and Slack TS channel
  • Create and distribute survey to compile a list of TS/Cataloging Contacts
  • Review existing documentation (Orbis, Chico, etc.) for discussion