ULMS Resource Management : 2017-11-06 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Upcoming TS Open Forums

For schedule of upcoming TS Open Forum presentations, see Tech Services Presentations.

Updates from Ex Libris
  • Display of subjects in Alma brief list results

The Subjects are sorted internally in the record, then the first three unique subjects are displayed. In record 991061721459702901, the Subjects in 650_0 and 650_7 are duplicate. The subjects in 650_6 are unique, therefore the three first 650_6 are displayed. (Example: MMS ID 991061721459702901).

  • Restore Job

Request routed to Ex Libris Development.

Discussed the pros and cons of pursuing an alternative option: To restore records (for bound-withs) locally, which would require programming tool to add new MMS ID to host bibliographic records.

Creation of “How to…” guidesProvide some examples.

Marcive "Documents without Shelves"

Develop workflows for Documents without Shelves:

  • How is the collection going to be managed centrally?
  • How to handle record updates (new/deletions)?
  • How to handle legacy records (for libraries which had existing Documents without Shelves subscription)? There are no back-files for Marcive.

Review Marcive Gov Docs: Documents without Shelves (Orbis).

ULMS Coordinating Committee Updates

For Update and Meeting Minutes see Coordinating Committee Meetings. Review 2017-10-26 Meeting Notes, especially Functional Committee Agenda Items:

  • Identify Training Needs & Trainers
  • Identify Opportunities to Streamline and/or Improve Efficiencies in Processes and Procedures
  • Identify Areas in Alma/Primo that would benefit from integration with external systems
  • Identify Areas of Consortial Functionality that would benefit from further enhancement by ExLibris

Action items