ULMS Resource Management : 2018-02-05 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Announcements & Updates
  • Topics for Training (Ex Libris/CSU) submitted
  • Enhancement Request Submission: Submit enhancement request by Februay 8 (see e-mail re. "2018 ELUNA Enhancement submission" distributed by Brandon. Committee members asked if enhancement requests will be shared with all campuses.
Revision of Policies
  • Please review Technical Services policies to identify changes and/or updates needed.
  • Discussion about current normalization rules for the display of  6XX subject fields (display:subject vs. facet:topic) based on the document Suppression or Display of MARC Fields in OCLC Records in Primo  (Israel Yanez, Norm Rules Joint Task Force). Committee members agreed that the policy document is current and comprehensive. We recommend that Primo norm rules align with this document. If any fields need to be added to, or removed from, this policy document in the future, we can submit a request to the Primo norm rules task force.
Primo VE
  • When Primo VE (backend Alma/Primo management within Alma) is implemented, changes will be in real time; more user-friendly to configure. Drawback: not the same level of flexibility with normalization rules to control display of data, especially for libraries using the OCLC as the master record! Loss of ability to suppress certain fields, which may be a concern for some. Committee members were urged to watch the video: https://vimeo.com/243308039 (password: PrimoToday) and review the documentation on Primo VE.