ULMS Resource Management : 2018-04-16 Meeting notes



Discussion items

UpdatesSubmitted topic priorities and potential CSU trainers for resource management sessions during the second day of the Ex Libris-CSU summer training on August 14 2018. Note: Sessions are scheduled to be 1 hr and 15 mins.
5XX Notes Display in Primo: Plan for Future Recommendations

5XX fields are mapped and display under a single field/label: Description in Primo. See: 5XX in Primo

Some preliminary considerations:

  • Separate some fields into their own fields (labels) in Primo (e.g., Contents; Summary; Cast; Credits; etc.);
  • Consider changing label from Description to Notes.

Next step: Committee members will review list of 5XX fields to make final recommendations to the Normalization Task Force.

(Note: Deadline for norm rule change requests is May 21 for the summer renorm.)

Norm Rule Request:  Additions to "Archival Material" Facet

Request to have collections such as "photograph collections," which are encoded for Type of Control in MARC Leader 06/08 as "a" (Archival) to also be included in the "Archival material" facet results in Primo. (See WorldCat: display for Carte de visit collection includes both "image" and "archival material.")

Question: Is it possible in Primo to assign two facet types for the same resource?

Norm Rule Request to be submitted.

NZ Restore Records

NZ records for boundwith missing after the NZ record restore (that is, IZ record restored but not the NZ record). How to identify these? Marcus Jun was able to identify the NZ records and report them to Ex Libris, providing them MMS ID of missing records. Ex Libris restored records but need to re-index records.(Note: If the NZ record is missing, then IZ record is not retrievable in Primo.)

Records were checked for the CSU.

Action items

  • Complete review of 5XX fields for display by