ULMS Resource Management : 2018-05-07 Meeting notes



Discussion items

  • Confirmation from OCLC regarding problems created by merging of records. Records with the field "066 Zsym" appears when characters such as “�” are added to WorldCat bibliographic master record. The duplicate field are most likely because one field is correct (i.e., no �), while the other field is incorrect (i.e., it does have a �). OCLC is currently aware of this situation and is working to remove these from master records.
  • ULMS Coordinating Committee: Governance structure and appointments.
  • NZ Clean-Up does work appropriately to exclude boundwith records. Discussion about upcoming NZ record cleanup is forthcoming from the NZ Management Group.
 Display of 500 Fields in Primo
  •  Complete identification of 500 fields to be displayed in Primo (Deadline ). Purpose: To draft recommendations to separate some Notes fields into their own fields (labels) in Primo (e.g., Contents; Summary; Cast; Credits; etc.).
CSU-Ex Libris Summer Training

Topics (Content Creation/Co-Presenters):

  • Workflows from end-to-end (Marcus Jun)
  • Normalization rules (basic and intermediate)  & Configuring Normalization Processes (Israel Yanez)
  • Identification of Source of Records and Troubleshooting using Alma/Primo (Chris Ashley, Luiz Mendes, and others will contribute content. Potential Presenters: Chris Ashley and others: TBD)
  • Resource Management Group Meeting (Committee Members)