ULMS Resource Management : 2018-07-16 Meeting notes




  • Introductions (new member & structure of Committee).

  • Identify activities and priorities for the upcoming year (2018-19).

  • Review status of presentations for the CSU ULMS Summer Training

Discussion items



Welcome & Introductions

  • Israel Yanez, Sacramento, appointed Vice-Chair;

  • Julie Moore, Fresno, new member appointed to the Committee.

Activities & Priorities

Resource Management Manual:

  • Due to the challenges finding “all” information” related to procedures and best practices for cataloging, the Committee decided to focus on the creation of a “Resource Management Manual.” The manual will be based on the New Staff Training Group for Resource Management (Orbis). Template document uploaded to Google Drive to serve as the basis for the manual, which will also reference policies adopted.


  • Continue to collaborate with other functional committees to address issues and identify training;

  • Provide assistance to the upcoming CSU NACO Funnel Training.

Weekly Slack Digest:

  • Identify a member to continue to provide summary of discussions in Slack to the ULMS TS listserv.

CSU ULMS Summer Training

CSU-Ex Libris Summer Training: The Committee will be presenting three training sessions during the second day, and will hold a Q&A Group Meeting:

  • Workflows from end-to-end (Marcus Jun)

  • Normalization rules (basic and intermediate)  & Configuring Normalization Processes (Israel Yanez)

  • Identification of Source of Records and Troubleshooting using Alma/Primo (Committee)

In preparation for the Group Meetings, the Committee collaborated with the ACQ/ERM to draft a survey to solicit questions from CSU technical services. [Note: Survey drafted and distributed via ULMS TS listserv.]

Meeting (Frequency, Date & Time)

  • Committee will meet once a month.

  • Meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m.

Action items

  • Create a “Resource Management Manual”