ULMS Resource Management : 2019-02-11 Meeting notes



Discussion topics


  • CSU Technical Services Monthly Release Group

    Resource Management Committee agreed to oversee the formation of a new group. Group will provide updates and a final report to the Committee by the end of June.

NZ Management Group:

  • NZ record cleanup completed for e-resources. Marcus Jun completed the deletion of approximately 965K records. Next phase: Group will assess approach to remove about 450K NZ records for print resources without inventory.

  • Group is currently checking the daily OCLC Loads and troubleshooting multi-match records;

  • Group worked with Marcus Jun to change load settings for Marcive, as previously presented to the Coordinating Committee. This will ensure updating of exiting portfolios whenever URLs change. Group will check records to ensure process worked as expected.

  • Group is also troubleshooting problem records in NZ, as reported by campuses (e.g., presence of local fields in NZ records; host records saved to NZ; brief records and record templates saved to the NZ; etc.)

Policies Review

Continues to review technical services policies and best practices. To be completed by mid-March.

Resource Type Field

Reported problem to Ex Libris (identified by East Bay) related to the order of application of rules for encoding resource type (Book--Physical vs. Digital File--Text);