ULMS Resource Management : 2019-04-08 Meeting notes



Discussion items


NZ Management Group

  • Completed NZ record cleanup: Deleted 51,790 records for e-resources and 442,453 records for print resources with no inventory.

Policy Review & Procecures

ULMS Policies and Best Practices

  • Committee completed review of TS policies and best practices to separate policies from procedures. Some policies and procedures will be revised and updated.

Analytics Training for Resource Management

Analytics Training scheduled:

  • April 11: LCC Reports (Lauren Magnuson)


Enhancement request 5076 (Orbis Cascade: Export Local Fields from OCLC)

  • Export local subjects from OCLC. Encourage campuses to vote for this enhancement.

Language of Cataloging (Policy)

  • Provide campuses time to clean up records. For example, suggest unlinking records from NZ until cleanup of records is completed and delete holdings from OCLC.

Publishing Headings Enrichment to Primo

  • Discussed impact and usefulness of publishing headings enrichment to Primo (i.e., use of preferred and non-preferred headings by publishing the cross-references from authority records to Primo).

  • Committee to evaluate impact and future recommendation since few campuses have activated this functionality.