ULMS Resource Management : 2019-12-09 Meeting notes







LCSH Illegal aliens update

  • Press release announcement.

  • After the announcement, we’ve received a few inquiries. Israel created a summary of our approach here for reference. Please note the limitations at the end of the document.

Item material types

  • The committee agrees that Carole should proceed with requesting three additional item record material types (Archival material, Broadside, Poster) via a Salesforce case. She will add Brandon to the case. Carole will also give an update during the TS Open Forum 12/12/19.

Authority Control Task Force

  • Stephen Hearn 12/5 presentation on Authority Control in Alma.

  • Israel and Yvonne will work on drafting a call to members as we reconvene the Authority Control Task Force. Expect that the call will go out some time mid-January.

Headings enrichment at the NZ level

  • Content option for headings enrichment currently not enabled at the NZ level.

  • Some campuses are publishing enriched headings in their IZ records. We’re not sure how/why that is happening. Salesforce case 00705958. Status- Pending development.

  • Israel will give a brief presentation on this during the TS Open Forum 12/12/19.