2020-07-06 Meeting Notes
06 Jul 2020
Mark Braden (Unlicensed) , Los Angeles (Chair)
Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) , San Francisco (Vice-Chair)
Carole A. Chapman, San Luis Obispo
Brinna Pam Anan (Unlicensed) , Pomona
April Gilbert, San José
Amy Rudberg, Northridge
brandon, CO Ex Officio
Item | Notes |
Introductions | Background in Resource Management, ULMS, etc. |
Review of RM space on Confluence | Review the main Resource Management page, the committee charge and the usual forms of communication. |
Conferences |
Other (goals, etc.) | The committee plans to continue to meet its charge. The committee is encouraged to expand its scope beyond maintaining policies/best practices, engaging in broader strategic conversations. |