ULMS Resource Management : 2021-04-05 Meeting notes

2021-04-05 Meeting


5 April 2021



  • Mark Braden, Los Angeles (Chair)
  • Lia Ryland, San Francisco (Vice-Chair)
  • Carole A. Chapman, San Luis Obispo
  • Brinna Pam Anan (Pomona)
  • Janine Pitt (Channel Islands)
  • Amy Rudberg (Northridge)
  • brandon dudley, CO Ex Officio





Anything you'd want to tell us?


Posted in Confluence, Resource Management Documentation

ELUNA Enhancement Vote

Which Enhancement Requests should Resource Management endorse to the CSU libraries?
After some email conversation, a list (highlighting recommendations) was distributed to the Technical Services email group.

Primo VE Evaluation (winter/spring 2021)

Some key discoveries and issues and efforts in March: -Ex Libris mentioned that configuration of many VE settings using Norm Rules/Drools can be done centrally and distributed to the Instances. This was news to most CSU folk leading the VE effort; until this ExL disclosure, most CSU folk understood (from ExL) that formerly centralized Norm Rules (PBO) would be done in the Instances for VE. -Brandon shared a list of Norm Rules configured in PBO, the Primo administrators responded, work proceeded on central configuration of many fields. -Discovery group has asked the Primo administrators to begin testing (using the Test surveys Discovery developed) in the coming weeks.

Content Notes

No further action yet.
Julie Moore (Fresno) will investigate 'critical cataloging' in a sabbatical in 2021
Identify folk who expressed interest to form a working group, assign the group to studying the issue, identifying use cases, and build Best Practice advice.
Added 20210301: Janine shared (via email) a note from Maritime to Technical Services, offering a few examples of alerts/warnings

Retention Notes (SCELC, WEST)

Any clever ideas or thoughts?

  • Standard format descriptions (for collections/titles/attributions)?
  • Ideas that might reduce 'hits' in Primo searches?

    From February:
    A task force ("stand-up meeting") discussed the issue, Brandon opened a Salesforce case, and ExL has issued their famous response:
    "Yes, this works as expected."
    Control of fields displayed is possible and easier than control of fields indexed, when the desire is to control a Local Field to searches made only in the Library's own Instance. Controlling index of Local Fields using Library ID codes in $$5 (e.g., 01CALS_ULA or CLA), is not possible, currently.
    The CSU is welcome to make an Enhancement Request.
    Before February:
    Libraries have coded retention notes in fields that:
  • Display in Library's own Primo Instance
  • But are indexed in Central CSU Primo indexes

    Are there fields that index/display only in the Local Instance?
    Currently, there are notes for:
  • SCELC retention decisions
  • WEST retention decisions

    Can you think of any other collection decisions that have or might be encoded in bibliographic fields?
  • Can/Would Ex Libris TURN OFF Indexing 590s at the NZ Level? No
  • Can/Would Ex Libris encode setting Primo Display using $$5 NUC Symbol? No
  • Which fields in the 5xx series are indexed Locally AND in the NZ/Primo?

    Which fields are indexed Local Instance and Displayed in the Local Instance?
  • Analyzed Titles
  • Notes about the condition/handling of the work (e.g., "autographed")
  • Honor with Books (honoring donors, employees)
  • Accompanying materials in particular location
  • Historic "second location" notes
  • Piece notes. Local Notes that reflect the item in hand.(note can go in Public Note in Item Record)
  • Notes about alternate formats ("microform")
  • Copies in other areas of the University.

Other Items?

For the coming month:Read Top 3 Issues in RMAre there others that should replace? Summary, impacts on CSU, desired outcomes.