Recommendation to Adopt Alternate Vocabularies for LGBTQ+ Materials Not approved - requesting further details on proposed implementation strategy and clarity on whether they are suggesting current headings be replaced or supplemented - the workload is radically different for the different strategies
Possible issues for the committee to work on this year
Look at Periodical records in Alma/Primo to see if there is anything we can do about the mismatched and duplicative records that appear when one searches for a Periodical by title in OneSearch. Jill will follow-up next meeting with recommendations for master or weighted records
Recommend that we discuss the practice of putting what used to go in a 655 for electronic books into a local bib data field (Nerissa Lindsey, seconded by Jill) To look into for follow-up: Do we know how heavily facets are used? - do we use genre at all?
Use of new secondary resource type feature - is this useful? - Nerissa to present next meeting
Are we commenting on Metadoor? - getting involved in open access MARC record repository? minting record numbers for collocation - getting involved in Data excellence initiatives?
Pulling people together to recommend greater cohesiveness in metadata between groups (ULMS, DAMS, IR’s, etc.)
Other Updates
Action items
Will present approved recommendations to Steering Committee