ULMS Resource Management : 2023-04-27 Meeting notes




  • Brandon Dudley

  • Boutsaba Janetvilay

Discussion topics






Topics for discussion

  1. Recruitment for next year

    1. Nerissa moving to Chair position, does anyone want to volunteer to be her vice-chair?

    2. Jill and Cesar are cycling off, leaving 2 open spaces for new people. Please encourage colleagues to apply

  2. May new features

    1. Sunset of the Classic Metadata Editor

    2. Personalized Quick Links in the New Metadata Editor

    3. New View Items Workflow in the New Metadata Editor

    4. Bibliographic Rank: Alma now evaluates the completeness and richness of bibliographic records - it will be a new search filter

    5. Overlap Analysis Supports Physical as well as Electronic Titles

    6. New CZ collections indicators: showing planned changes to CZ content

    7. It is now possible to run more "Not Equals" and "Not Contains" searches in the titles

  3. NERS voting

    1. 3 of the top-six voted on through to the second round.

    2. See spreadsheet

  4. continued “satisfaction” meetings with ExLibris

  5. ELUNA - who’s going?

  6. OA and SRT work

    1. finally getting back to this project - look for updates on the TS listserv

  7. updates from the sub committees

    1. LDTF started their study group - I found it really helpful, please consider joining

    2. IDTF looking for volunteers to help correct “Giants” subject headings

Action Items

check with Brandon about emails for committee nominations and vice-chair


Make sure IDTF knows about Cataloging Contacts page

Follow up items


  • Will present approved recommendations to Steering Committee