Projects for the coming year
1. Issues discussed during the June 14, RMFC Forum on Secondary Resource Types and OA tagging in 506 field
See Video recording: Zoom video recording
Or read the Audio transcript: Zoom audio transcript
Passcode: T2@p9&k+
1A. OA tagging for CZ e-books, etc
Background documentation:
Conversation started in Slack with Kate Holvoet reporting an issue that CZ records don’t have the open access icon because they don’t consistently have a 506 0_ $f Unrestricted online access $2 star
Jill thought we could use a norm rule to try to run it on a set on anything that was CDI that are OpenAccess married by resource type and life cycle in the repository
Can’t run NZ on the CZ because we’re not the managers of the CZ we’d have to take this to Ex Libris, which we weren’t sure they’d get a good response
We don’t necessarily want to put this in the MARC record, not every access point is supposed to be open access.
Ex Libris only adds the 506 to eJournals (but not consistent)
The issue is that we have lots of OA eBooks that aren’t working as a facet
We might put in an enhancement request to get Ex Libris to use the open access data in the portfolio
Each campus might consider turning off their open access filter because it’s not working and is misleading at this point.
Idea exchange:
1B. Secondary Resource Types
Background documentation:
Enhancement came out about six months ago allow us to configure a secondary resource type. However because it’ needs to be configured in the NZ and the IZ we have to all agree if we want to do them and how we want to enable them
Everything gets a basic resource type based on specific rules configured by Ex Libris based on the data from the MARC records.
Can classify something as both a book and a comic/graphic novel
Jill experimented and added a secondary resource type for a few things
See full set of configurations Jill activated on the SJSU instance
Go to the SJSU Beethoven Center-only view to see some of these configurations in action using this mostly IZ-only collection of records
Had to create a primary resource type for Comic/Graphic Novel
Books can now also put things that come up as government documents.
In order for something to exist as a secondary resource type it has to exist as a primary resource type
She had to configure it as a resource type for comics/graphic novels
We might need to time this with Ex Librises re-indexing schedule 2x year
Ex Libris might be releasing an enhancement with better ways to push things from the nz.
Maybe we can re-run the survey now that we have more information
Have focus groups centralized around specific resource types to makes sure there is agreement
Suggestions to work with Discovery group on this.
3. Clean-up of RMFC instructional documentation on Confluence
4. NODEDUPE rules and clean-up
Does not currently do anything because we have not created the rules in NZ and IZ to make this work
See previous instructions: Using the setting "NO DEDUPE"