ULMS Resource Management : MARC Fields Excluded from CSU ALMA (01CALS)

Alma : MARC fields excluded from use by the CSU Consortium Libraries

Developed by Resource Management members

Document status


Area covered


Prepared by

Resource Management Functional Committee


Policy will ensure that a set of MARC fields remain unused, available for future Consortial use (NZ/IZ testing or operations).
Since Go Live in 2017, there have been a few occasions when the Consortium needed to use a MARC Field for testing or operations of one or another Alma function. Maintaining a list of 'excluded' fields will ensure that one or more MARC fields (that are known to be unused) can be assigned for testing/operations by the NZ staff or in a Library's IZ.
If individual libraries were to use any of these fields without the help of the Resource Management Functional Committee (in their own IZ or the CSU NZ), there is the risk that Alma functions may create conflicts or problems, especially when there are tests or ongoing Alma NZ operations.

Policy Statement

This is a living document that will change as fields are released for use, or other fields currently used are cleared from use in the NZ and participating IZs.
Libraries should not use the MARC fields listed in this Policy.
The MARC fields that should not be used (16 fields in total, as of October 2021):

  • 916

  • 918

  • 919

  • 921

  • 924

  • 926

  • 927

  • 928

  • 929

  • 931

  • 932

  • 945

  • 946

  • 947

  • 948

  • 949

Action log

Articulate the need for the policy (background)

RM Working Group

April 2021

Resource Management WG

Finalize Policy Statement

RM Working Group

Aprill 2021

Resource Management WG

Approval and Acceptance

ULMS Steering Committee

May 2021

ULMS Steering Committee