ULMS Resource Management : Catalog Record Distribution Program project (2023-2024)

credit: Marcus Jun

Marcive Documents Without Shelves (DWS): paid subscription service to get bib records for
online federal government publications. This is our current service for getting records.

Catalog Record Distribution Program (CRDP): free service to get bib records for online federal
government publications.This is the proposed alternative to DWS.

San Francisco State University (depository #0044) recently joined CRDP
Added approx. 7k item numbers (representing online-only gov docs) to selection profile
Loaded test records in sandbox (bib records look good, 856 links work)
Set up sftp connection for record delivery
Goal: make CRDP like DWS but free!

SFSU is ready to load its CRDP records in the Network Zone (NZ) for CSU libraries. We can
use the existing import profiles and electronic collection for DWS to load CRDP records.

See also Technical Services Open Forums "CRDP"Technical Services Open Forum (2017-2024)


Is CRDP as comprehensive as DWS?

SFSU is working to make CRDP as broadly encompassing as DWS. We selected all
item numbers for online gov docs, and we'll regularly add new online item #'s. If you'd
like to check out our selections please see "Selections" in Item Lister for Depository
SFSU receives both new and changed records. The bib records have OCLC numbers.

Will CSU libraries have to do anything differently if we switch to CRDP?

No. CRDP records can be loaded centrally and automatically in the NZ like DWS, using
the existing import profiles and electronic collection.

Will we keep the previously loaded DWS bib records and links to online gov docs?


How will library users be impacted?

There shouldn't be any impact to library users. They'll be able to access online gov docs
like before.

Does our library have to be a Federal Depository Library to get DWS or CRDP records?

No to both. DWS does not require a library to be a depository.

For CRDP we're using SFSU's status as a depository (and CRDP member) to get gov
doc records. And we are allowed to load CRDP in a shared database (NZ) on behalf of
CSU libraries.

Can we get CRDP records but not profiled based on one library's selection profile?

My guess is no. Because CRDP is designed for a depository library and based on its
selection profile, we're using SF State as the designated library for the CSU system.

Can we get a backfile of records from before our DWS subscription?

I don't think this is part of the CRDP service.
It won't be a backfile but we will get historical bib records as they are changed and
updated by GPO (Government Publishing Office)