This procedure can be followed after completing the procedure Create a Set of All Bound-with Records
Procedures in Alma
Day 1: Create two normalization rules and add them as a process
See the normalization rules at the end of this document.
To create a normalization rule in Alma, see Alma’s online help: Working with Normalization Rules. Ensure that your rules are shared and enabled.
To add a normalization rule as a process:
Under Resource management: Resource configuration: Configuration menu > Cataloging: Metadata Configuration > Click MARC21 Bibliographic > Click the Normalization Processes tab
Click Add Process. Enter name and description. Click Next.
Select MarcDroolNormalization. Click Add to Selection. Click Next.
In the Drools File Key drop down menu, select the normalization rule you want to add as a process. Click Save
Repeat the above steps to add the second normalization rule as a process.
Create the set(s)
Create a title set(s) of the host bibliographic records you want to fix.
If you want to do the whole set, search All titles where Title contains host bibliographic record.
Or if you already have a subset of host bibliographic records to fix, put them in a title set.
Run the first boundwith normalization rule
Check that all records were released in the Metadata editor.
Run the first normalization rule on the host bibliographic records title set to change $774 subfield code from w to n.
Under Administration: Manage Jobs, click Run a Job
For job type, select Marc 21 Bib normalization. Select the first boundwith normalization rule you have set up. Click Next.
Select the title set of the Host bibliographic records. Click Next.
Confirm that it is the boundwith normalization rule you want to run on the set. Click Next, Next and then Submit.
** Wait one day for the records to be published to Primo. **
Day 2: Run the second boundwith normalization rule
Check that all records were released in the Metadata editor.
Run the second normalization rule on the Host bibliographic records title set, which will change $774 subfield code from n back to w. Repeat the steps above, making sure to select the second boundwith normalization rule this time.
Wait for Alma to run the “Build record relationship” job at night before checking the boundwith links in Primo the next day.
First boundwith normalization rule
rule "Change boundwith subfield from w to n"
changeSubField "774.w" to "n"
Second boundwith normalization rule
rule "Change boundwith subfield from n back to w"
changeSubField "774.n" to "w"
Action log
Section | Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Last action taken | Next action required |
Articulate the need for the procedure (background) | TS Leads |
| 9/15/16 - Procedures needed to illustrate the method for fixing broken links in bound-withs | Discussion with TS Working Group |
Create a Procedure | Cataloging TF |
| 10/13/16 - Draft completed |