Created by: Sherry Daniel


When a portfolio is not available in the CZ or created automatically during an import, you must manually create it. The following procedures describe how to create a portfolio as part of a bibliographic record's inventory.

Step-by-step guide

To create a portfolio you must have one of the following roles: Electronic Inventory Operator or Electronic Inventory Operator Extended.

  1. Search and find the bibliographic record to which you want to add a portfolio. If the record is not in Alma, you will have to import one from OCLC.
  2. Click on Edit Record. This will take you into the metadata editor.
  3. On the toolbar, click on the Add Inventory and Add Portfolio
  4. On the New Portfolio page, in the Descriptive Information section, accept the default selection Use existing title. The remaining fields in that section are optional.
  5. In the General Information section, specify whether the portfolio will be a standalone or part of an electronic collection.
    1. If the portfolio will be standalone, provide the interface and library name. These fields are not required.
    2. If the portfolio will be part of an electronic collection, either type the electronic collection name in that field or select it from the list of collections by clicking on the menu list on the right . You must also provide the Service (e.g. Full Text), if the field is not automatically populated with your selection of electronic collection name. The Library name field may also have been automatically populated. If not, you may add it, though this is optional. 
  6. The Coverage Information section applies primarily to electronic journals. This section does not typically apply to e-monographs.
    1. The Date information fields are optional and can be used to set journal coverage/full text date ranges.
    2. The Embargo/Rolling year fields are also optional. Use the Operator field (choosing among greater than, greater than or equals to, lesser than, and lesser than or equals to), if necessary. Provide the number of years and/ or months of the embargo/rolling year. 
  7. The values you enter in the Inventory and Linking section will depend on whether the portfolios is a standalone or a part of an electronic collection.
    1. If the portfolio is a standalone:
      1. Provide the appropriate URL.
      2. Specify whether the proxy should be enabled. If so, select the proxy from the drop-down on the right. 
      3. Select the Availability status.
      4. Optionally, select the electronic material type.
    2. If the portfolio is part of an electronic collection:
      1. The parser should already be provided. Supply the parser parameters or the URL.
      2. The proxy information should already be set at the electronic collection level.
      3. Select the Availability status.
      4. Optionally, select the electronic material type.
  8. The Notes section includes data about authentication, public notes that display to patrons, and internal notes for staff. For ebooks, concurrent users notes (e.g. Three users at a time) can typically be recorded in the public note or the access model in the portfolio
  9. Click on the Save and Done button in the upper right.

Note: As an alternative workflow, if you would prefer to not have the portfolio attached to an existing bibliographic record, select Resources Create InventoryAdd local portfolio. In the New Portfolio page, accept the default selection Create new title in the Descriptive Information section.  The only required field in this section is Title.  Follow steps 5 thru 9 as described above.

Ex Libris Documentation

Managing Local Portfolios
