ULMS Resource Management : How to move an item to another holdings record on the same bibliographic record


When an item needs to be moved from one location to another location within the same bibliographic record.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Search the repository for the item to be moved.
  2. From the results list, click on Items and the list of items will appear with the holdings locations.
  3. Select the item(s) using the checkboxes and click on Manage Selected next to "add item" and then click Change Holdings. The list of holdings appears.
  4. Select the holding location in which you want to move the item(s) and click Select
  5. Screen will automatically go back to the items list with holdings locations, select the Back button and click on Holdings to verify the item moved is in the correct holdings location,
  6. To delete the holdings with zero items, click the back button to go back to the results list and click on Holdings. Select the holdings with zero items and select Delete Holdings, and click Confirm in the confirmation dialog box,