created by Eva Sorrell
Before getting to the point of transferring item(s) to a different bibliographic record, you should search Alma and identify the bib record to which you want to relink the item(s), since you cannot view the bibliographic record at the point of relinking.
Step-by-step guide
- Go to List of Items page and select item(s) that you want to move
- Click on Manage Selected at the top of the page and then click Relink to another Bib
- Click on (or near) Select Bibliographic record to bring up Repository Search
- Search for the desired title and click on it to select it
- If the title you selected has any holdings records, they will appear on the Relink Items to Another Bibliographic Record page. You can also create a new holdings record (Add New Holdings) to which you can link the item that you want to move. Note: If you add a new holdings record, be sure to click on the Back button rather than Exit to return to the Relink Items to Another Bibliographic Record page.
- Select the holdings record to which you want to relink the item, and click Select.
- If the item record(s) being moved is/are the last item(s) of that holdings record, you will be prompted with options to delete or suppress that record. Make a selection and click Go. Note: Alma returns you to the bib record from which you originally transferred your item.
Ex Libris Documentation
How to move items between BIB records (Ex Libris)