11:09:47 From Christina Hennessey To Everyone: Configuration - resource sharing - members 11:20:27 From Holly Yu To Everyone: Who actually signs off licenses in your library at Fullerton, the dean, or the collections librarian? 11:32:36 From Jill Strykowski To Everyone: Wouldn't it be great if the vendors made this all simpler!!! 11:32:48 From Bernadette Humphrey To Everyone: Reacted to "Wouldn't it be great..." with 👍 11:33:03 From Caitlin Wilhelm (she/her) To Everyone: How long does this process take from the very beginning, no licenses set up in Alma? 11:33:21 From Caitlin Wilhelm (she/her) To Everyone: Reacted to "Wouldn't it be great..." with 👍 11:33:27 From Tyler Rogers To Everyone: I will share that SDSU is no longer signing licenses. All our licenses are signed by buyers in campus procurement. 11:33:44 From Tyler Rogers To Everyone: Sorry. I meant to say "nobody in the library is signing licenses anymore at SDSU". 11:33:48 From Holly Yu To Everyone: Thanks, Anthony! This is very helpful. 11:34:03 From Jung Ah Lee To Everyone: Reacted to "Wouldn't it be great..." with 👍 11:35:11 From Nikki DeMoville To Everyone: Reacted to "Wouldn't it be great..." with 💯 11:35:47 From Holly Yu To Everyone: It's big chore to get a license signed at LA with the campus procurement. We are trying to get the campus to authorize for the library to sign off the licenses. 11:36:30 From Caitlin Wilhelm (she/her) To Everyone: Thanks for this, Anthony! This is awesome, and when we have time with our one-and-a-half people from your process, we might try to set up something similar! 11:36:53 From Holly Yu To Everyone: Ann Roll shared that authorization with me. 11:38:50 From Nikki DeMoville To Everyone: Caitlin, I can vouch for the usefulness of having this set up, but you can get it started by doing a very minimal license for each vendor. I've set up a lot of mine with just the basic ILL and course reserves info, with the RapidILL lendable status added. 11:39:29 From Bernadette Humphrey To Everyone: Geez 11:39:53 From Lauren Magnuson (she/her/hers) To Everyone: Holly we are in the same situation at CSUSM- typically 3-5 months for a signature on a license 11:39:59 From Nikki DeMoville To Everyone: I think you might find some campuses won't answer because they are signing licenses without necessarily having the authorization 11:40:00 From Lauren Magnuson (she/her/hers) To Everyone: By procurement 11:40:17 From Caitlin Wilhelm (she/her) To Everyone: Reacted to "Caitlin, I can vouch..." with 👍 11:40:17 From Chris Bulock (he/him) To Everyone: Thanks Anthony! That was great 11:40:27 From Stacy Magedanz To Everyone: Thank you! 11:40:34 From Caitlin Wilhelm (she/her) To Everyone: Replying to "Caitlin, I can vouch..." Ooh, that's a great thought, thanks! 11:40:43 From Nikki DeMoville To Everyone: yes, very good presentation, thanks Anthony! 11:41:52 From Christina Hennessey To Everyone: Reacted to "I think you might fi..." with 🤠 11:42:36 From Stacy Magedanz To Everyone: Reacted to "I think you might fi..." with 🤠 11:43:43 From mjeffries To Everyone: Thank you for the presentation 11:43:58 From Jung Ah Lee To Everyone: Reacted to "yes, very good prese..." with 💯 11:44:04 From Jill Strykowski To Everyone: Reacted to "Thank you for the pr..." with 👍🏻 11:46:39 From Holly Yu To Everyone: @Lauren- I'm trying to do something with this. For one agreement, I had about 100 emails back and forth between the vendor and the campus procurement to get a license signed. 11:47:52 From Lauren Magnuson (she/her/hers) To Everyone: Reacted to "@Lauren- I'm trying ..." with 😳 11:48:05 From Holly Yu To Everyone: Replying to "I think you might fi..." Very true! 11:48:27 From Jill Strykowski To Everyone: Or Maybe we hope there ARE books in there. Could be good outreach 11:48:43 From Christina Hennessey To Everyone: Reacted to "Or Maybe we hope the..." with 👏 11:48:44 From Jill Strykowski To Everyone: Reacted to "@Lauren- I'm trying ..." with 😳 11:51:38 From Allison Bailund (she/her) To Everyone: you just need certain data to make a timeline (essentially just a date) 11:53:14 From Jill Strykowski To Everyone: Reacted to "you just need certai..." with 👍🏻 11:53:28 From Caitlin Wilhelm (she/her) To Everyone: Reacted to "I think you might fi..." with 11:55:44 From Bri Hagen she/her (Humboldt) To Everyone: How did you get the data out of metabim? 11:56:26 From Lauren Magnuson (she/her/hers) To Everyone: I think the campus staff involved in managing the metabim data is very suspicious about why we would want/ need access to it - would it be possible to have a kind of info sheet on this project and why we would want access to participate in this? 11:56:43 From Mark Braden (he/him/his) To Everyone: Reacted to "I think the campus s..." with 👍 11:56:53 From Nikki DeMoville To Everyone: Reacted to "I think the campus s..." with 👍 11:56:55 From Christina Hennessey To Everyone: Reacted to "I think the campus s..." with 👍 11:57:30 From Lauren Magnuson (she/her/hers) To Everyone: Cool thanks! 11:57:46 From Bernadette Humphrey To Everyone: Thank you for the presentation. I have some fond SD "Jack Murphy" stadium memories :-) 11:57:48 From Jill Strykowski To Everyone: Reacted to "I think the campus s..." with 👍 11:57:55 From Jill Strykowski To Everyone: Reacted to "Thank you for the pr..." with 😂 11:58:04 From Bernadette Humphrey To Everyone: Reacted to "Thank you for the pr..." with 👏 11:58:07 From Bernadette Humphrey To Everyone: Removed a 👏 reaction from "Thank you for the pr..." 11:58:11 From Bernadette Humphrey To Everyone: Nice! 11:58:52 From Irma Almaguer To Everyone: thank you 11:58:55 From Bernadette Humphrey To Everyone: Thank you, Everyone!