Why are we doing this?
Reciprocal agreements with the UCs are inconsistent with courier stops paid for by CO. Some UCs charge CSUs for borrowing even though the CO pays for their courier stops. Reciprocal agreements and a shared courier agreement would increase lending and borrowing traffic with the UCs and greatly improve turnaround time for physical materials. Those that charge the CSUs would no longer do so, saving the CSUs money.
Establish reciprocal agreements for physical materials between all CSUs and UCs
Establish a shared courier agreement between CSUs and UCs
Foster a collaborative relationship between the CSU libraries and the UC libraries
Major Milestones
Stage | Description | Notes | Status | Date |
Milestone 1 | Check with CO on feasibility of adding additional UCs to courier contract | Mallory checked and we can ask for contract amendment | COMPLETE |
Milestone 2 | Draft proposal | COMPLETE |
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Milestone 3 | Draft Recip Agreement form | COMPLETE |
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Milestone 4 | Submit proposal to Steering Committee | Steering committee supports the proposal | COMPLETE |
Milestone 5 | Submit proposal to COLD | COLD accepted our proposal. We can proceed with establishing recips with the UCs. | COMPLETE |
Milestone 6 | Meet with Unity to discuss options for adding additional UCs to the route. | Unity says we can swap out stops. Won’t cost us any extra. | COMPLETE |
Milestone 7 | Reach out to the UCs | NOT STARTED |
Project Resources and Supporting Documentation
UC/CSU Proposal
UC/CSU Recip Agreement
Top 5 Risks
Could be too costly