What is our group doing? What should we do after our operational problems are solved and questions are answered?
Statistics are going to be important
Showcase the numbers to make people care about Resource Sharing
Benchmarks: Look at what campuses are doing well and share how they accomplish their goals
use statistics to identify who is doing a good job in specific areas (high lending numbers, low turnaround time, etc)
figure out why that’s the case
how can we scale what they’re doing to other campuses
Assessment of Resource Sharing
Important for us to tell our own story and have control over the narrative of CSU+ and Resource Sharing
Figure out ways to show cost savings to Deans and others interested in library/campus budgets. How is resource sharing directly supporting library strategic goals and CSU-wide initiatives?
faculty time, cost saving shipping via Tricor vs. mail)
How do increased loan periods save time or money?
just in case vs just in time collection dev philosophy
Share presentations that people have seen elsewhere with the group for inspiration
How can we provide visual cues to our users showing where things are coming from and how many things have been borrowed (on websites, etc)
Test updates and share information on how to work with the updates
Look into enhancement requests and how to improve Alma as a resource sharing tool