ULMS Resource Sharing : 2018-03-23 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Analytics Training Materials updateStacy Caron (Unlicensed) and Carolyn Chun (Unlicensed)
  • More screenshots for novice users
  • Present how to get into statistics and open reports at an open forum
  • Can we provide links to existing instructional material (videos, etc.) or do we need to create new materials that are specific to finding the exact reports we are pointing to?
    • Want to avoid the scenario where people are intimidated by a complex interface and don’t bother to learn/submit statistics.
  • We should create one central page/location for some basic analytics training links for Resource sharing people.
When should we schedule an open forum for statistics?All
  • Would be good to do near fiscal close. June would be best option - end of academic year, more time for people to experiment with stats
Duplicate Request updateJoseph Adkins (Unlicensed)
  • Joe reviewed documentation and understands that once a request is made for an item additional requests should not be able to be placed. So the fact that duplicate requests are being placed is an error.
  • Additional issue discovered in this process - sometimes duplicate requests are created at the same time for the same item/same patron.
  • Cases submitted for both of these issues - currently in Tier 2
  • Advisable that if duplicate requests are received the lending library should send a GM (or otherwise contact) the borrowing library indicating one has been filled and the other is waiting for more information from the patron (did you really want 2?)
    • Joe will write up an email and send it to the lists informing people of the issue and encouraging them to handle as specified above
Task Force updatesChris Lee (Unlicensed) and Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)
  • Visiting patron TF
    • looked over problems, current issues at hand.
    • Will send out survey re: emeritus faculty and visiting patron privileges.
    • Exploring pick up anywhere options
Update on the ILLiad statistics
  • Mallory showed a spreadsheet of compiled ILLiad traffic from July - Dec 2016 and July - Dec 2017. Will use to show what, if any, effect CSU+ has had on Borrowing and Lending requests via ILLiad.
  • Plans to bring this data to April COLD meeting. Will come to 4/6 RSFC meeting seeking feedback on conclusions drawn and share what will be presented to COLD.

Action items