ULMS Resource Sharing : 2018-04-06 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Edit GuidesAll
  • Edit Guides:
    • TOU (done)
    • CSU+ Overdue and Lost Loan Profile (Joe)
    • Contacting Other Libraries (Chris)
    • Promoting CSU+ (Arturo) (Chris add section on promotional bookmark)
    • Tricor Shipping Guidelines (Jesi)
    • Whoops I need help (Stacy)
  • Who will review each guide? Next week
  • Posting date? Next Friday
Leveraging numbers for reduced prices for ILL programsChris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • Tipasa
    • One potential route we can take is to propose to COLD to all agree to move to Tipasa at the same time and work as a group with individual contracts.
    • Nearly every library is already using ILLiad and needs to either update or get new software.
  • Rapid prices for articles and returnables
    • Rapid saves time: discussions with ILL staff who have worked with and without Rapid all claim Rapid dramatically cut down staff time in manually ordering articles. There is a slight increase in Lending requests but they are predominantly for electronic article holdings which are quickly processed.
    • Since the majority of articles are filled through Rapid without staff intervention it can increase customer service because turnaround time is reduced. Articles may be requested and filled without staff intervention so they can arrive when the department is closed or busy.
    • Introducing Rapid Returnables will create an unmediated service with libraries outside the CSU without a change in workflow. Discussions with early adopters have been positive.

Action items