ULMS Resource Sharing : 2018-07-24 Meeting notes



Discussion items

ULMS PresentationRSFC
  • Long Overdue Items (Mallory)
  • Lost Items (Carolyn)
  • Multivolume Sets and General Messaging (Arturo/Marissa)
  • Returned Too Long Reports (Chris)
  • Run around with a microphone for questions (Turner)
Problems for Megan Drake to Troubleshoot at ULMS ConferenceChris Lee (Unlicensed)Send examples of problems to Megan Drake for the conference
Alma Consortial Advocacy Group - Resource Sharing Interest GroupMallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
  • Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) is attending meetings for this group that is comprised of consortial Alma customers who use Alma for resource sharing. First meeting was at the end of June.
  • Talking mostly about how we can affect product development
Creating a Resource Sharing StrategyRSFC
  • In order to make changes to the rota we need to have some sort of guiding principles or goals. Without it we’re just shooting in the dark.
  • This should be something approved by COLD but they need some kind of recommendation from us to get going on that. That is where our group comes in.
  • What does success look like? Is it equitable workload? Is it speed of delivery? Something else entirely? How does Alma-based resource sharing support the mission of our libraries? We need to prioritize measures of success.
  • Meghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed) We should have some control over the rota. Basic ILL goal is quick turnaround time. Volume of lending has doubled but is HSU an ideal partner?
  • Turner Masland (Unlicensed) at PSU where Orbis had a rota that was controlled. When an institution moves up or down in the rota it can majorly affect resources in the school (staff/student processing time) and the workflow they would use to process requests. Controlled rota helps to forecast student labor and workflows. There was an attempt to maintain the 1:1 borrowing ratio. Sending out as much as they are borrowing seems to create a sense of equity.
  • Turner Masland (Unlicensed) important to get feedback from “boots on the ground” people. Survey? Questions to ask folks:  How do you currently have your borrowing requests routed? What are your priorities for your borrowing partners? Open ended questions too

Action items

  • Look through Alma to see if you have any examples for the ULMS training in August (all)
  • See if more people can join in the RSIG meetings - Mallory will ask Ray to find out
  • Draft Survey to get more information from “boots on the ground” people about what RS priorities are and should be to inform our consortial philosophy - Turner