ULMS Resource Sharing : 2018-08-21 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Courier reportingArturo Mendoza (Unlicensed)
  • What’s next?
  • Spoke with their web dev IT guy, Steve, about how to implement the Trello piece of things - feeding the info from the Google form to the Trello board and e-mails sent to Turner Masland (Unlicensed) and Arturo Mendoza (Unlicensed)
  • Sending out a survey for the comments in the drop down menu for the form
  • In the beginning the goal is to see if Tricor is following up on anything
  • Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) recommends: contact Tricor laying out what we are measuring, why and what our expectations are re: following up on the problem reports they’ll be receiving shortly.
Long Beach meeting recap - anyone bring back anything we need to talk about/pursue?RSFC
  • Fulfillment networks
    • Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) caught a tidbit from Megan Drake at the Long Beach conference that Fulfillment Networks can now use rotas.
    • Would be useful to write up a review of positives and negatives of using a Fulfillment Network and summarize what the difference is between Fulfillment Networks and Network Zone Resource sharing.
    • Talk to others using a Fulfillment Network - reach out via Alma-L
  • Write up walk-in patron policy – who are the user groups who can access the program and what are they entitled to?
    • More research needs to be done on what information is being shared between campuses
    • Definitely need to work with the Fulfillment group on how this works or what this policy should look like. They may actually be the major players in creating this policy.
    • Our main contribution is figuring out which walk-in patrons should have access to CSU+.
    • Distance ed students would be a big target for service but one kind of major problem for distance ed students is that they don’t reliably have a student ID to show they’re enrolled.
  • Create a wiki page on config options to manage borrowing and lending queues – keep rejected RS requests active (scroll to “rs_keep_rejected_request_active”) and Configuring Borrowing Request Inactive filter - perhaps look at other config options on the Other settings page to point out as well.
  • Make up a list of who accepts replacement copies and who doesn't and who charges a replacement fee
  • Letters for CSU+ stuff – what kind of templates can we make up for this? What do people want to change for their CSU+ notices?
    • This is a longer term project that needs some focus.
    • Would be useful to find out what people want to do with their letters re: CSU+. Once we have some ideas about what people want to do we can then start to investigate.
Damaged CSU+ workflowMeghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed)
  • E-mailed Kate from Orbis Cascade to see what they do with damaged items.
  • There’s more to investigate and Meghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed) will continue working on the proces with the goal of creating a page on the wiki with our recommended process for handling damaged items.

Action items

  • Chris Lee (Unlicensed) Reach out on Alma-L asking if anyone uses Fulfillment networks for Resource Sharing
  • Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) - Research Fulfillment Networks. Summarize difference between NZ Resource sharing bring to next meeting.
  • Chris Lee (Unlicensed) - Draft email to fulfillment about Walk in Patrons and send to RSFC
  • Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) - add wiki page on RS config options to streamline borrowing and lending queues
  • Astra Gleason (Unlicensed) - Create list of replacement policies and fees for each campus
  • Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) - email the RS community to find out what people want to do with their letters re: CSU+. What do they want to see in the patron-facing letters? Will also find out what people currently have in place/have edited to see if we can share that config with other campuses.