Spoke with their web dev IT guy, Steve, about how to implement the Trello piece of things - feeding the info from the Google form to the Trello board and e-mails sent to Turner Masland (Unlicensed) and Arturo Mendoza (Unlicensed)
Sending out a survey for the comments in the drop down menu for the form
In the beginning the goal is to see if Tricor is following up on anything
Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) recommends: contact Tricor laying out what we are measuring, why and what our expectations are re: following up on the problem reports they’ll be receiving shortly.
Long Beach meeting recap - anyone bring back anything we need to talk about/pursue?
Fulfillment networks
Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) caught a tidbit from Megan Drake at the Long Beach conference that Fulfillment Networks can now use rotas.
Would be useful to write up a review of positives and negatives of using a Fulfillment Network and summarize what the difference is between Fulfillment Networks and Network Zone Resource sharing.
Talk to others using a Fulfillment Network - reach out via Alma-L
Write up walk-in patron policy – who are the user groups who can access the program and what are they entitled to?
More research needs to be done on what information is being shared between campuses
Definitely need to work with the Fulfillment group on how this works or what this policy should look like. They may actually be the major players in creating this policy.
Our main contribution is figuring out which walk-in patrons should have access to CSU+.
Distance ed students would be a big target for service but one kind of major problem for distance ed students is that they don’t reliably have a student ID to show they’re enrolled.
Make up a list of who accepts replacement copies and who doesn't and who charges a replacement fee
Letters for CSU+ stuff – what kind of templates can we make up for this? What do people want to change for their CSU+ notices?
This is a longer term project that needs some focus.
Would be useful to find out what people want to do with their letters re: CSU+. Once we have some ideas about what people want to do we can then start to investigate.
E-mailed Kate from Orbis Cascade to see what they do with damaged items.
There’s more to investigate and Meghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed) will continue working on the proces with the goal of creating a page on the wiki with our recommended process for handling damaged items.
Action items
Chris Lee (Unlicensed) Reach out on Alma-L asking if anyone uses Fulfillment networks for Resource Sharing
Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) - Research Fulfillment Networks. Summarize difference between NZ Resource sharing bring to next meeting.
Chris Lee (Unlicensed) - Draft email to fulfillment about Walk in Patrons and send to RSFC
Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) - email the RS community to find out what people want to do with their letters re: CSU+. What do they want to see in the patron-facing letters? Will also find out what people currently have in place/have edited to see if we can share that config with other campuses.