ULMS Resource Sharing : 2018-09-04 Meeting notes



Discussion items

CSU+ strategy (update)Turner Masland (Unlicensed)
  • 9 responses as of right now. Hoping for more. Content reported so far is very interesting.
Courier reporting (update)Arturo Mendoza (Unlicensed)
  • Send out links and google form - shooting to get this out next week. Wanting to test out the form integration with Trello before it’s sent out to all campuses and Tricor.
  • Have yet to contact Tricor to inform them of our project. Need to do that before the form is sent to them.
Fulfillment Networks Research (update)Chris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • No responses from the listserv
  • Brandon responded to Joe and Chris - there were some issues with patron data sharing when we were going live.
  • Joe identified issues with managing lost loans and communications sent to patrons being confusing (branded with the lending library information)
List of replacement policies (update)Astra Gleason (Unlicensed)
  • Still working on collecting information from campuses. Hope to have it completed next week.
Year One infograph “Spotlight”Chris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • A small subgroup to gather analytics and user feedback to compile into a visual pdf to share with deans and stakeholders.
  • May contact library marketing for visuals.
  • Turner: likes idea. Currently at capacity for projects.
  • Arturo: CSU libraries seem to be really into branding so this fits well into that goal. Looking at comparisons between
  • Chris will get in touch with Meghann to see if she can work on this with him and get her existing presentation from I-SPIE
Shared ILL MarketingChris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • When one library creates marketing materials share them on the wiki with the universities name removed so other libraries may add their own information and use the materials.
  • Need to obtain permission from the graphic designer who created the marketing.
  • If it is student work get a signature from the student and let them know their work may be used by 23 campuses so they can add it to their resume.
  • Arturo: interested in links to other institutions - what they do to market their services (like Harvard, Berkeley, etc.)?
  • CSU+ Video? 
      • How to distribute this link/video/digital marketing material? Lots of noise on webpages and notifications. How do we cut through that?
      • We are experts on many things but perhaps not marketing. We may want to partner with others (instructional librarians, for example) who do this well already and figure out how to harness their expertise to get our programs in front of our patrons. Let’s get out of the weeds of creating these campaigns and materials 
  • Two pronged approach might be useful: research what others are doing and also thinking strategically about partnerships that could make RS marketing successful. 
      • Lib Guides and working with librarians to share through instruction
      • What kinds of information or materials can we create that we can distribute to other groups? (instructional librarians, outreach librarians frontline circ staff, etc)
      • One page of materials to distribute to people who have the ear of students of bullet points indicating why they should use CSU+ and how it would benefit the community. 
  • Timeline for this might be in the future - not much bandwidth in the group to approach a new project with a lot of attention at the moment. But a good thing to follow up on.
Release testing Chris Lee (Unlicensed)Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed), and Meghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed)

October release (see release notes):

  • In the upcoming October release, Primo will prevent patrons from placing duplicate resource sharing requests

Action items