Tour of Trello board and Google form. Steve created a workflow outline.
Want to be sure that this workflow is sustainable. Let’s make sure we are setting realistic expectations with the level of follow up and how we are handling each request.
Next steps:
Meeting with Turner later this week to discuss next steps and what kind of documentation is required to notify campuses and notify the vendor
contact Tricor with outline of what they can expect with regard to contact and our expectations for follow up
Per a discussion between Joe and Ray - the main issue Orbis has is due to sharing patron data: they don’t have patron data sharing agreements in place since they are all otherwise unaffiliated. Ray mentioned some issues in a Connecticut consortia (?) having some issues with their check out/return anywhere process. Will see if he can get CT contact to find out more about their problems.
We are unsure currently about what our patron data sharing agreements are in the CSU. Since Brandon alluded to patron data sharing issues prior to go-live we might need to ensure that we do have some kind of patron data sharing agreement. Otherwise our walk-in borrowing might not be a legit process.
Pose question to steering committee? (Yes, Chris will pose the question at next meeting)
Still working on collecting information from campuses. Astra will circle back to campuses who haven’t answered yet and ask for information by the end of the month so we can post. Come end of September we will post to the wiki regardless of whether it’s been filled in.
Action items
Chris Lee (Unlicensed)talk to steering committee about patron data sharing policies/agreements