ULMS Resource Sharing : 2018-10-16 Meeting notes



Discussion items

  • I-SPIE Steering committee is learning more about ROTA for better understanding - this seems to be an area of personal interest for committee members, hence the action in that direction. Will report their findings to RSFC.
  • The I-SPIE Steering committee is looking into what their role is in the ILL community. They still feel like they are lacking direction and definition.
  • Meghann indicated that they are trying to figure out ways to engage the ILL community more - have open forums, share workflows and increase communication (per conversations/requests at ISPIE).
Courier reporting

Arturo Mendoza (Unlicensed)

  • Complete Beta and release ASAP
    • Sent out ULMS wide within the next day
  • Still need to resolve the issue of what type of follow up Arturo and Carolyn will be providing. Mallory, Arturo and Carolyn will nail that down in the next day.
Update on damaged item workflow for borrowersMeghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed)
  • Meghann got feedback from one person (Joe) and nothing else. She feels like it’s ready to go. Chris will post to the wiki.
Scheduling an open forum - schedule for Nov 13All
  • Joe proposes some organized content and a period at the end for open conversation.
  • 1) CSU+ strategy
  • 2) Analytics with Mallory (Needs a specific thing to show - will just tour new canned reports from analytics/RS TF if she doesn’t get anything)
  • 3) Data Sharing with Walk In Patron
    • How to configure what data to share and our recommendations
    • More information about how fulfillment networks work and why we aren’t using them
  • 4) Check for Duplicates When Creating Borrowing Requests (october release)
  • Meghann - what’s the goal of this meeting?
    • Chris: keep people in the loop on what we’ve been working on, opportunity to give feedback, provides a channel of communication
    • Joe: inform colleagues of what we’re doing since people don’t know what the committee does
Walk in patron recommendationAll
  • We need to make up a recommendation about whether or not walk-in patrons should be allowed to use CSU+
CSU+ Strategy

Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

  • Draft by end of the week even if it’s incomplete Mallory will send to committee for review.
New October release includes Check for Duplicates When Creating Borrowing Requests

Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Joe has a presentation! No recommendation, per se.
  • Seemed to work reasonably well. The current way to “block” repeat requests seems to be based on time elapsed since last request (but the time is inconsistent).
  • Alma will allow the user to place another request if the “volume” field is populated.
  • Problematic for institutions that recommend re-requesting the item when the end of their loan time is coming (but before the request is returned) because duplicate is checked against the resource sharing queue rather than the request

Action items