ULMS Resource Sharing : 2018-10-30 Meeting notes



Discussion items


I-SPIE and RSFC Roles

Chris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • Last week Chris talked to ISPIE and ULMS steering committees to define roles for both organizations in the ULMS.
  • Identified a need for a liaison between the two groups to share information and make sure everyone is in the loop.
  • Meghann is concerned about setting precedent for future commitments - does this mean we always have a person on both committees? She also worries about the opacity of the process to choose the liaison - might people in the RS community be concerned that they are not consulted in choosing this liaison?
    • Having one person on both is a possibility
    • Another option is to have the ISPIE liaison review RSFC notes, freedom to attend RSFC meetings and add agenda items to RSFC as needed.
  • Decided that this role will be less formal (not called a “liaison”) to allow for flexibility in the future.
I-SPIE update

Meghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed)

  • Drafting a survey of questions to the community to define who is doing what projects for reference if you need to contact someone with questions about workflows or information needed to support an initiative.
  • Statistics - looking at various types of data and visualizations. Will post a blog and leave it open ended and identify action items resulting from stats analysis.

Open Forum (11/13)

  • 1) Analytics (Mallory)
    • Mallory will go through reports created by the TF
    • If more content needed she will create reports requested by Dawnelle post-ISPIE
  • 2) Data Sharing with Walk In Patron (Joe) (Not at this open forum)
    • How to configure what data to share and our recommendations
    • The point of this particular demo is to show how to configure data sharing between campuses - not to walk through walk in patron functionality. This is likely a point where other stakeholders in the library will need to help decide what is shared.
    • Chris will reach out to Cathe in the Fulfillment Group to figure out how she wants to be involved in this discussion and presentation at the open forum.
    • Joe: was writing up documentation for walk-in patrons but the major hold up was data sharing problems. So he should be able to complete documentation on walk-in patron functionality.
    • We are still unclear on whether or not walk-in users can use CSU+.
  • 3) Check for Duplicates When Creating Borrowing Requests (october release) (Astra and Joe)
Actual recommendation on the Check for Duplicates When Creating Borrowing RequestsAstra Gleason (Unlicensed) and Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)
  • Astra: depends on how someone does local processing - do you allow patrons to request a second copy while you have one in hand? If so this is problematic.
  • Joe: people most affected are end users who want to request dupe copies.
  • Instead of a “recommendation” we will explain what the feature does and you can make your own decisions at your institution.
  • How do distribute information: wait until open forum and send follow up e-mail blast for non-attendees.
Should we allow CSU+ use for walk-in patrons?RSFC
  • Our committee seems to be in favor
  • We know it can be done. But it’s based primarily in Fulfillment territory so we need to work with them.
  • We will need to work closely with the fulfillment group to make up a policy on walk in patron use and fold CSU+ use into that.
  • Chris will reach out to Cathe and ask for a member from the FFC to draft a policy for review by both teams so we can send it through the Steering committee to COLD.
Rapid CSU podChris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • Since most CSU libraries already use Rapid a pod may be able to be created where a few smaller CSU libraries may be able to be added as “borrowing only” to avoid overwhelming them. - Meghann emailed Rapid - they said no “borrowing only.”  But Mallory has a different document that says a consortial pod can add small “borrowing only” member who only participate in that pod.  Documentation will be shared and reviewed.
  • Meghann - this doesn’t really seem to be in the territory of our group since we are primarily responsible for conducting business re: CSU+.
  • Perhaps we pass onto ISPIE.
ILLiad as Last Resort ProgressChris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • Chris can push a request from Alma into an e-mail that should in theory create a request in ILLiad but for some reason ILLiad isn’t grabbing the e-mail. Waiting for IT to get back to him about why this might be happening.

Action items

  • Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) and Astra Gleason (Unlicensed): draft an e-mail with information about the Check for Duplicates When Creating Borrowing Requests setting to send out after the open forum.
  • Chris Lee (Unlicensed) will reach out to Cathe in the Fulfillment Group to ask for a member from the FFC to draft a policy for review by both teams so we can send it through the Steering committee to COLD.