ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-01-08 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Items mistakenly marked missing during winter closures

Allmethod of distributing this list of erroneously marked missing items and recommendations of what to do with the results
Blocks on items that are requested by RS but someone local wants to checkoutAllNot common. 1 known case since go live. 
Best Practices ReminderAll

Several people have asked us to send a best practices reminder with the following practices but since we have these documented on the wiki it seems that re-writing is not the best use of time. How to distribute/remind of the following best practices?

  • Damaged items: Be courteous and make a note of the damage. Wrap wet items, etc.
  • Damaged item workflow fix: Add the info Meghann showed at the I-SPIE Open Forum on making a damaged status.
  • How to protect media cases
  • Plastic bags in winter
  • Monterey is not Moss Landing is not Maritime
  • Tip of the week might be a good way to engage with best practices. There is probably a way to automate an e-mail blast.
CleanSlips Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

Now available online (https://slips.calstate.edu/)

Wrong location on cleanslips. Any way to prevent blocked locations from showing in the excel file used by cleanslips?

January releaseJoseph Adkins (Unlicensed)
  • Limit resource sharing requests per user - updated setting to ignore the setting once the item is returned (instead of received at the lending institution)
  • Conditional messages - are they different than General Messages?
Planning another open forum?Allonly good if we have good content. Doing an open forum for the sake of doing an open forum doesn’t make sense.
Tricor used to send out a form to charge extra for holiday deliveries and it seems they have not delivered it this year.All
  • Nobody seems to have received one of these forms.
  • Carolyn will submit an entry using our request form to find out if there is a holiday request form available for 2019
  • Also related to Tricor - the contract with them will be up this year. Are there any other vendors we could potentially use? Will need to investigate what other potential options there would be for a new vendor.

Action items