ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-01-22 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Welcome new members!AllWelcome Isabel Pina and Karla Salinas!
SLAC feedback on CSU+Chris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • The Student Library Advisory Council (SLAC) gives feedback on library programs at Cal Poly. The students could give feedback on CSU+ marketing and web visibility. Strength of the group: fairly easily coming up with new ideas you never even imagined
  • Main area where we could use a student user perspective is discoverability of ILL services and resources (Meghann). Since Joe is liaison to the group working on updating the GetIt piece of Primo they would be a better venue for that type of feedback.
  • Loan periods would also be a good thing to get feedback about (Meghann).
  • Perhaps a good tool to think of keeping in our back pocket.
Tricor/courier monitoringCarolyn Chun (Unlicensed)
  • Reply from Tricor on the absence of a holiday slip?
    • No response received. Carolyn will follow up via e-mail and copy Mallory
  • Do you need a second person to help? If yes can you train them?
    • Now that things are up and running and the response seems to be pretty mellow Carolyn is fine handling things on her own.
  • Not a lot of submissions received. Carolyn has noticed that the Unity drivers have improved service quality at East Bay.
Update on lost resource sharing request functionalityMallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
  • Issues with lost things displaying crazy in Primo is fixed. It now says “Lost ILL”
  • Two outstanding problems with the way this functionality works are being targeted to fix in Q2 2019 so hopefully we can actually use the feature once it’s fixed.
    • not assigning fines/fees to items marked lost this way
    • re-shipping upon return
Conditional message functionalityAstra Gleason (Unlicensed)Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed), and Meghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed)Astra, Joe and Meghann will test out. Let Mallory know when you want to do this so she can make changes to the workflow profile.
Workflow profiles - do we want to make any changes? Chris Lee (Unlicensed)Astra Gleason (Unlicensed), and Meghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed)
  • Need to research what each function does before we make changes
  • Chris, Astra, Meghann will help the research expedition.
Sandbox set up
    • Who wants to help? Joe, Chris, Astra, Meghann
    • Mallory is not sure of next steps to set up a mirror of our resource sharing libraries. Will think about  
Updates on Salesforce casesMallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)Briefed RSFC on current cases

Action items