The Student Library Advisory Council (SLAC) gives feedback on library programs at Cal Poly. The students could give feedback on CSU+ marketing and web visibility. Strength of the group: fairly easily coming up with new ideas you never even imagined
Main area where we could use a student user perspective is discoverability of ILL services and resources (Meghann). Since Joe is liaison to the group working on updating the GetIt piece of Primo they would be a better venue for that type of feedback.
Loan periods would also be a good thing to get feedback about (Meghann).
Perhaps a good tool to think of keeping in our back pocket.
Issues with lost things displaying crazy in Primo is fixed. It now says “Lost ILL”
Two outstanding problems with the way this functionality works are being targeted to fix in Q2 2019 so hopefully we can actually use the feature once it’s fixed.
not assigning fines/fees to items marked lost this way