ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-02-05 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Tricor/courier monitoringCarolyn Chun (Unlicensed)
  • Any response to follow up to Tricor? Not yet
Conditional message functionalityMeeting set up Tuesday 2/12 to test
Report to COLD in MarchChris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • Web forms CleanSlips (show to Ex Libris as well)
  • Stats for the first 2 years
    • Compare to I-SPIE totals to see increase or decrease in borrowing/lending
    • Meghann’s awesome data
  • Tricor replacement bags
  • Tricor reporting
  • Karla talked about experiencing some department strain due to increased activity and no increase in department resources. Is anyone else seeing this?
    • Worried that it may affect turnaround time and take longer to fill requests.
    • May be worth looking at data to see if that’s the case. If not, what are the other ways department strain is occurring? What are the effects of an increased workload?
  • Replacement fee confirmation - this needs some research: what are we currently doing? What options do we actually have for some type of variable replacement fee?
Views on Floating CollectionsAll
  • Questions on White Paper
    • 24th institution? Is this the only way to do this? How does this work?
    • Want to see the workflow and see how complex it is - would it limit the ability to have student workers process these requests due to the increased level of role requirements?
    • What does the location look like from the patron perspective
    • Correction to assumption in paper: Floating collections won't save shipping cost because we pay a flat fee no matter how much we ship
    • How does load balancing work? The paper doesn’t acknowledge this other than saying pool and drought campuses will need to figure out what to do with extra books/available shelving
    • Space use and shifting in libraries - space is a premium, many libraries are trying to streamline collections to have more usable space and we assume will be hesitant to give that up to floating collections
    • Well-defined weeding requirements and centralized collection development philosophies would be a prerequisite
    • Why is a floating collection necessary to facilitate the increased discoverability of the CSU collection - can we implement that piece before moving to a floating collection?
  • For this to work there would need to be a massive paradigm shift in the way we think about our libraries and shared resources. Additionally the technical requirements to process the items
  • A lot of philosophical changes in our system and in our leadership need to take place before something like this would be successful
Lost/missing/damaged workflowMallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
  • Needs work, based on discussion at ISPIE in January.
  • Not an immediate urgent need but the documentation needs to be improved because people are confused about what to do with these things. Mallory needs some help here! Will follow up via e-mail with the committee.
Potential ILLiad replacements being developedChris Lee (Unlicensed)
  • ReShare
    • Open source
    • Created by ILL staff and programmers
  • Project Bedrock
    • Developed by Rapid
    • Eventually go from a Rapid tool to a full ILL system
  • CSU Committee investigating Tipasa is still doing their environmental scan on options and defining functional requirements. It’s looking like the recommendation is leaning toward not making a move away from ILLiad any time soon.

Action items