ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-03-05 Meeting notes



Discussion items

COLD Meeting

Chris Lee (Unlicensed)

COLD approved (with an amendment regarding assessment) the CSU+ philosophy. Mallory will be reaching out to Karen to write up the amendment.
Workflow profiles - do we want to make any changes?
  • The two workflow profile options that seemed reasonable to turn on are part of the November release that don’t actually work properly yet. They’re supposed to be fixed in the April release and will need to be tested at that point.
  • Recommend turning off “externally obtained” as it doesn’t reflect any actual practice in the CSU.
  • Waiting for Cancel response and Cancel Reply - since one of these options is not actually supported by ExL and it’s unclear what they actually do it probably should be turned off.
ULMS SteeringAll
  • Look at what policies need updates and what is current and does not need to be touched - mainly the point is that they want the wiki to be better organized.
  • Replacement fee - this would be a policy worth revisiting. Is it technically possible to be able to insert a replacement fee based on the cost of the item? San Marcos may have implemented an automated solution. Let’s reach out to San Marcos and find out if the automated solution worked, if it’s sustainable on an ongoing basis and how it works to update prices.
  • Replacement copy acceptance - should we be making a recommendation about that?
Tricor reporting and Holiday schedule

Carolyn Chun (Unlicensed)

  • Carolyn called Unity customer service and they seemed to think we all function under one account number that they associate with Long Beach.
  • They also responded to some of Carolyn’s questions about holiday deliveries with requests made by Corey but didn’t understand that he was located at one of our 24 campuses and didn’t make requests/speak for all of them.
  • It seems that there is a problem with how Unity understands service to CSU campuses
  • Carolyn asked if they had been receiving the e-mails from our Google forms and who sees e-mails that go to the “customer service” e-mail and who sees the messages that go to the “info” e-mail address.
  • Mallory is going to bring this issue to the CO team to get advice about following up.
Tipasa TF reportLauren Magnuson (Unlicensed)Lauren presented the Literature Review and Environmental Scan on Tipasa and other Interlibrary Loan software. 

Action items

  • Chris Lee (Unlicensed) reach out to San Marcos re: their replacement fee in the item record.
    Have they inserted item costs in bulk to records that didn’t have a value?
    What’s their ongoing cataloging practice to ensure items receive a replacement cost?
    Is there a process to update replacement costs over time?
  • Meghann.Brenneman@humboldt.edu (Unlicensed) workflow profiles write up for Wikipage for reference
  • Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) update NZ workflow profiles per recommendations