ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-04-30 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Tricor/UnityMallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
    • Statement Of Work review - contract being renewed in October and SOW needs review/updating.
      • Have a small CSU group reviewing this stuff. Aim to have a completed draft by end of May.
      • Mallory is also e-mailing with Unity customer service group about the questions she’s had about the poor service we are receiving and lack of established processes. Not a lot of responses from Unity at this point so Mallory is following up to get answers.
    • Updating flipcards with new LB airport codes and Unity branding
      • Good idea to have everyone review the information on the flipcards so they are updated correctly. Chris will send out a mass e-mail to have everyone look.
      • Mallory has heard a campus or two having a problem with drivers being unable to scan the barcodes on the labels. Chris thinks this is likely due to someone printing the cards too small. Will include printing specs on the webpage with the flip card templates indicating printing sizes.
    • Joe says Eddie (from the CO) is in active talks with the UCs to better understand their contract and how they are working with Unity.
      • Joe had been contacted by his Dean to get Tricor/Unity contacts from the UCs to feed to Eddie. That’s pretty much the only information he had about this - no updates to include. One discovery Joe made in this process is that the UCs have a twice-monthly meeting with their Unity reps to discuss how things are going which is definitely better service than what we are receiving now.
Lost/Damaged task force update

Isabel Pina

    • One outstanding question: updating the stickers/straps with damage note. Jeremy Hobbs needs to be contacted about that - can’t remember who was supposed to follow up on
    • Karla has been working on a visual workflow of the damaged item process and it looks great!
    • One area that is lacking documentation: creating a duplicate request - when a damaged item is received and a new item needs to be sent to fill the request.
    • Damage from shipping
    • Next steps for Karla and Isabel: RSFC look it over and approve by end of Friday (5/3). E-mail Fulfilment committee to say we are good with it (or share proposed changes) and ask where they are with approving the process/documentation. If they also approve then the documents can be posted to the wikis. We should then host a joint open meeting with fulfillment to showcase the process and outline how front desk folks can/should communicate with resource sharing people. Perhaps aim for open forum in the beginning of June?
Bags Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)
    • Carlos and David reiterated that COLD is looking to providing a budget for replacement bags for next year.
    • Joe continues to do cool things with old broken bags and replacing piece of less broken bags to make them usable again - sewing up patches and new label windows. Broken zippers are more challenging - haven’t figured out what to do there yet. 17 bags now back in circulation. Yay Joe!
Conditional message feedback Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
  • Mallory e-mailed Moshe from ExL to see if he was interested in hearing our feedback and he replied with an enthusiastic yes. Divided up the feedback into critical issues (showstoppers), inconveniences and nice to have features. Will send to Moshe this afternoon and see what happens.

Action items