ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-05-14 Meeting notes



Discussion items





Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

    • Statement Of Work review - contract being renewed in October and SOW needs review/updating.

      • Reviewing drafts of new text this week. Interested in putting it out there for review by ulms-access and ispie lists until end of May and then having a draft for Eddie mid-June.

      • Trying to figure out a way to get stats on heaviest lending with UCs via OCLC. Running into some roadblocks. Will reach out to Dennis Massie in their research dept.

      • Sent out processes Unity shared for communicating with their customer service dept and escalation processes. Updated Courier Guide (Unity) also.

      • Will need to translate the recently received “shipping terms and conditions” into a damage claim procedure.

      • Still waiting on Unity to schedule a label software demo. They are having some technical issues.

      • Have a small CSU group reviewing this stuff. Aim to have a completed draft by end of May.

      • Mallory is also e-mailing with Unity customer service group about the questions she’s had about the poor service we are receiving and lack of established processes. Not a lot of responses from Unity at this point so Mallory is following up to get answers.  

Conditional message feedback

Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

    • How did Moshe respond?

    • Positively! I e-mailed the responses to everyone. He advised submitting cases for some things and idea exchange posts for others. I submitted 3 cases. One issue (the request only able to be found if the queue is sorted to “all” instead of “active” or “completed”) I don’t think is related to conditionals and requires more analysis. Will work on this in June.

Committee Nominations

Chris Lee (Unlicensed)

    • Deans are currently putting forward their nominations

    • Who is cycling out?

      • Chris, Carolyn, Astra, (Arturo would have cycled out if he were still on the committee)

    • Transitioning chairs from Chris to Joe - when does that happen and how?

      • Chris made up a gmail account specifically for this group’s content. Will figure out the username and password for the account and make up a wiki page with the login information.

      • Joe’s first meeting as chair is tbd. Either 5/28 (Chris’ last meeting) or 6/11. They will meet one on one to talk Chair stuff before then.

I-SPIE Conference Update

Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

    • Will be seeking an update from RSFC about what we’ve been doing this past year. Would be useful to present a changing of the guard so to speak.

    • Also interested in participating in and facilitating a conversation about the future of ISPIE.

    • General ISPIE update from Meghann

      • Not much. Next community meeting with a spotlight on Chris. Also wanting to hear from Joe from CSULA as a new addition.

NextGen RS program

Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed)

    • Planning to make a better ILLiad that can connect to Alma libraries and non-Alma libraries.

    • Have 1.3 billion bib records. Want to make an open index of those records for libraries to see and mark their holdings.

    • Pushing it as an Amazon type product from the patron standpoint

    • Aiming to be live with the product by end of 2020

    • First round will be physical requests only and then will handle article requests

    • Atlas is apparently making some improvements to ILLiad so Meghann is looking forward to some healthy competition.

Action items