ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-07-25 Meeting notes




  • Recap experience at ISPIE Conference 2019 (what did we learn from our community of practice and target audience about how we are doing and how the CSU+ system is doing)

  • Discuss Joe’s new idea for reorganizing and building enthusiasm in our community of practice: ISPIE TV

  • Discuss building a bot-like email thing using csu.sharing@gmail.com to support our goals

  • Update on CSU+ Item Condition Policy

  • Discuss new flip cards from Unity

  • Discuss any issues or concerns about ULMS Summer Meeting

Discussion topics






I-SPIE Recap

  • Strong Sentiment against disbanding I-SPIE

  • Discussions around improving communication between RSFC and I-SPIE towards parallel goals

  • Procedural disagreements towards development and establishment of some CSU+ Policies established by ULMS governance task force



Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Inspired by grassroots beginnings if I-SPIE’s Lunch Club

  • Take the open forum format and turn into a more robust publicly accessible. Similar to a TV show 90 mins long and 1 month AKA Wayne’s World of ILL

  • More structure, involve more ILL practitioners to contribute content and focus on topics that are of interest to ILL Staff.

  • Goal is to collaborate and generate action groups and peer to peer training with colleagues that are offsite

  • This platform will serve as the joint Platform for RSFC and I-SPIE to reduce fragmentation of I-SPIE in to various sub-committees. This will results into 3 Committees: RSFC, TV-Show Content Developers, and I-SPIE Conference Planning Action groups/task forces will result out of Needs identifies by these entities.

  • If we want to change our policies, this can serve as a platform for discussion, gather data, and advocate for our needs

  • Pros and Cons to recording this I-SPIE sections:

    • Pro: Can be accessible by individuals not able to attend live show

    • Con: May dissuade individuals to participate.

  • Need increased efforts to Invite/Include outside expertise

  • Because of natural overlaps between I-SPIE & RSFC, developing a charge for I-SPIE can be helpful to distinguish priorities of each entity and better allocate our people resources


CSU+ Item Condition Policy

Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)


  • Future I-SPIE and RSFC policy suggestions need to consider that some policies must be approved by COLD because they require approval from another entity on the campus


Automated Tip bot

Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Tips would be scheduled and sent out bi-weekly (similar to Link+ Tip of the Week)

  • Joe tasks all RSFC Members to create 2 CSU+tip of the Week

  • Examples:

    • Unity will only create 4 Flip Cards per campus. Static Reminder to return bags and flip Cards

    • Reminders of I-SPIE TV

  • Can look into creating a Tip Bot Caricature

  • Meghann suggests Data Forum that can be shared through Tip Bot . Envisions an interactive platform. Confluence is not ideal because not everyone has access.


CSU+ Slip/Sticker

  • Item Condition Box will need to be updated to remove “Missing Pages” Condition

  • Joe will send a reminder about school spirit logos on templates

  • Templates will need to be uploaded to the server before the 8/8 ULMS Summer Meeting


8/8 RSFC Meeting

  • Conflicts with Summer Meeting , may need to be rescheduled to 8/1

Action items

  • Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) Joe Will update CSU+ slips to remove “Missing Pages” condition and will send last-call email with due date for Mascot/Logos