ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-09-26 Meeting notes




  • Isabel has an announcement: Isabel will have the floor to make an announcement.

  • Next Gen Resource Sharing Development Partnership: Mallory has a brief update to share on this project.

  • Anonymization: Mallory will explain this fulfillment functional area project and how it may affect our choice to turn on the Resource Sharing Request Cleanup Job.

  • Resource Sharing Request Cleanup Job: Reports from 2 Alma consortia have come in. One report is that they do not use the job due to lost book reconciliation (they do transfer $$$ across campuses for lost books). Would running the job have negative consequences for keeping track of lost books even though we don’t transfer $$$? Second report is that they do use the job to clean out old stuff to make facets more useful, but using the job does have affect on Analytics. Is status “Deleted” a problem for our analytics? Lets consider Anonymization project from above as well, in regard to whether or not we should recommend running this job.

  • Homework Review - Fines, Fees, Long Overdues and Bursars: What did we find out from our own campuses? Is there possibly a way for Tech Services to replace long overdues while maintaining the integrity of our fines, fees and bursar schemes? If so, lets try to figure it out for our CSU+ Long Overdues workflow thing.

  • Collaborations with Fulfilment Functional Committee: Joe talked with Kevin at the Steering Committee. Kevin told Joe that FFC would like to be involved in our CSU+ Loan Period project. Joe told Kevin the RSFC would like to be involved with their Letters Customization project. Meghann has a new lead that may inform our CSU+ Loan Period project and she will talk about it here. Combined meetings with FFC have not been scheduled yet but we can start thinking and planning on these collaborative projects.

  • Release testing “Reactivate Request”: Joe had to do a student assistant hiring cycle over the last few weeks so the release testing Zoom session hasn’t occurred yet. A new student assistant has been hired so this is no longer a time obstruction. This topic will be left till the very end of the meeting so Natalya, Karla and Joe can set a solid date for the testing fun.

  • Any other ideas if there is time. Feel free to add items to this agenda list if you have any.

Discussion topics






Isabel has an announcement

Isabel Mascorro (Unlicensed)

Isabel has taken a new job opportunity and will be leaving.


Next Gen Resource Sharing Development Partnership

Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

In person kickoff meeting is scheduled for end of October in Minneapolis for North America partners and Ex Libris. Agenda still hasn’t been announced but we may be discussing the more difficult issues of resource sharing. All members involved should coordinate their best to attend and can communicate with Mallory if they need support in doing so.



Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

Mallory is exploring existing policies surrounding patron data so that we may make decisions that align with existing policies. Current questions being explored: what policies currently exist around patron data, value of keeping data and uses, patron privacy concerns in keeping data, patrons use/access of their own data.


Resource Sharing Request Cleanup Job

Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) and Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

Mallory received answers from 2 institutions. 1. Orbis Cascade does not run this job as they require all details of their requests to remain to do their annual account reconciliation. 2. The other was SUNY and they have clear documentation that we can reference for further information. They run this job to make their queues cleaner.

This job may be customizable to work to clean up certain statuses while leaving other statuses as is. We may need to look at what is lost with job in analytics versus what value is added by running the job to clean up the queues.


Homework Review - Fines, Fees, Long Overdues and Bursars:


Reviewed practices at each campus represented by the RSFC. Determined that we should connect with tech services people.


Collaborations with Fulfilment Functional Committee

Meghann will meet with Zack about loan periods and bring information back to group to inform conversations and analytics around loan periods.


Release testing “Reactivate Request”

Still needs to be done. Joe A., Natalya, and Karla will bring

Action items