Present= Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed) Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)
Absent= Darnesa Morris (Unlicensed)
Today’s Scribe= Karla Salinas (Unlicensed)
Updates from last meeting(s): Meghann and Mallory missed the last meeting so lets recap some things and see where they stand. In our last meeting it sounded like we were moving away from recommending turning on RS Cleanup Job. Has anything changed on this? In the notes from last meeting it said “Mallory and Meghann were supposed to do things, but we will wait until next meeting to hear updates from them. “ Mallory and Meghann can give their updates here. Some other things discussed last meeting have seen no action yet so we don’t have to go into any depth here unless Mallory and/or Meghann have questions. These issues were RSFC Confluence Space reorganization and Webform solution to Pickup Anywhere functionality.
Brandon’s Surveys: Brandon sent out a survey he wanted us to fill out as RSFC members. Only 2 responses have been received. But since Brandon sent out another staff wide survey as well, Meghann doesn’t know which survey she filled out. Can whoever respond to the survey that isn’t Natalya please step forward? If no one steps forward, we will assume response #2 is from Meghann.
CSU+ Loan Terms: We all met with the Fulfillment Functional Committee to discuss CSU+ loan terms and any concerns the fulfillment functional area might have. What did we learn from the meeting? The FFC has chosen Christine from Fresno to be their lone warrior to join us in our quest. When is a good time for us all to meet on this issue?
Unity Courier Updates: New contract with Unity has been accomplished and UC Irvine is taking the place of UC Davis. The plan was to start shipping November 4. However, we haven’t received flip cards for UC Irvine and they aren’t in our label printing website yet. Hopefully these are coming soon. One question has come up in all of this: How are we currently sending to UCs? Some of us have cleaned some of our old blue bags to use with flip cards. For those who have not, what are you doing? Is anyone sending using red CSU+ bags? Is anyone not using the flip cards and using stickers on sticker covered blue bags? Joe will be briefing UC Irvine on what to expect and also doing a general Unity Courier update on I-SPIE TV next week that will cover the Davis/Irvine switch.
Next Gen Resource Sharing Kickoff Meeting: The Minneapolis meeting was earlier this week. Our 4 attendees can report back about their experiences here.
Upcoming Alma Releases of Interest: There are a number of Alma updates coming soon that may be of interest for release testing. 1. Push Borrowing Requests to ILLiad using API--Natalya said her people are interested in this. Mallory just sent out an email from Northwestern University saying it isn’t working right. 2. Notification Email Delay--A configurable delay can now be added to notification emails. This may work really well for some campuses, not so well for others, depending on what kind of holds they are doing because all available evidence at this time indicates that delay will occur for ALL hold types (not so great for people with ASRS). Also, Jamie Lamberti from the FFC (and SF State) informed me that she has figured out the custom notice XML thing and we are currently doing some custom notices and plan to expand this in the near future. I’m assuming that the FFC will post the secret sauce for notifications to their Confluence some time soon so those who want to do this can give it a try. Should we come up with recommendations about custom notices? Or maybe we just publicize the tech and let each campus decide. 3. Resource Sharing Roll Back: this was in special NERS testing and was supposed to be released wide at some point. Any news on this? The last release testing session we did wasn’t a huge success, but it did result opening a support case about Add Partners/Add Rota buttons.
Any other ideas if there is time. Feel free to add items to this agenda list if you have any.
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
Updates from last meeting(s) |
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Brandon’s Surveys |
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CSU+ Loan Terms |
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Unity Courier Updates |
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Next Gen Resource Sharing Kickoff Meeting |
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Upcoming Alma Releases of Interest |
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Future Discussion | All |
If you are interested in patrons being able to see information from their ILLiad account directly in Primo, this might be helpful. |
Action items
- Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed) to complete Brandon’s survey specific for functional committee members
- Karla Salinas (Unlicensed) to complete Brandon’s survey for specific for functional committee members
- Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) to send email about updated Unity contract to add UC Irvine and drop UC Davis
- Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) & Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) to test push borrowing request using API
- Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) to submit a case for access for RSFC members to test Resource Sharing Roll back feature