November 14,2019
Present= Joe A., Darnesa, Natalya, Joe G., Mallory, Meghann
Today’s Scribe= Darnesa
News from the ULMS Steering Committee:
We had previously discussed doing a revamp of our Confluence space. I also sent out a thing Brandon made about Confluence reorganization. Now it appears that Brandon will be doing the reorg to each ULMS Committee’s space himself over Winter Break. We can still add missing content to our space in the meantime, but let's hold off any of our own reorg efforts until after Brandon does his thing. Then we can go in and make whatever he does more suitable for our group.
Apparently, there has been interest from other universities in gaining access to our Resource Sharing Network so there has been some talk (not sure who) of expanding CSU+. John Wenzler will bring this idea to COLD in December to see if they think this will be a “valuable strategic direction for the CSU Libraries.” Mallory knows about this idea so let's discuss it as a group here.
Draft of Guidelines for Policies and Procedures: Please review and let me know of any concerns. There used to be something in the draft about a comment and review period for the functional areas. I don’t see that in there now so I will ask what happened to it, along with any other comments and concerns from this group.
Unity Courier Updates: UC Irvine is getting prepped to start using Unity with CSUs. I proposed a start date to Gerry, the UC Irivine contact, of next Monday. I have not heard back yet if this is accepted. UC Irvine flip cards should have been received by all CSUs so Gerry’s green light is the last thing we are waiting for.
Release testing: Has any previously discussed release testing happened yet? Mallory got us all the power to “Reactivate” request. This is something that should be pretty easy to test (Natalya, Karla and Joe tried previously) so maybe we can do so now during the meeting and be done with it since we don’t really even like the use case. Natalya and Meghann were to test Push Borrowing Request using API. Anything to report on this? Mallory was to update us about the status of our Sandbox but was dealing with a knee injury. What happened to Mallory’s knee? Maybe she will update us about that and the Sandbox here.
ILLiad account info in Primo: Last time Meghann posted some links about being able to show ILLiad checkouts in Primo user account. This is pretty cool functionality. Is it something that we can (or want) to work with Discover Committee about and have pushed to all campuses centrally? If not, is it something like Illiad as lender of last resort where we figure out how to do it, give out the information but let each campus make the decision?
CalState Walkins - Karla recently sent an email out asking about this policy and hopefully, you all saw my response. Do we want to review and revise the document again before sending it to COLD? Karla is working on a Courtesy Return form. Maybe she can explain that more here and we can decide if this is valuable for all CSUs to use. As far as the web-form requesting functionality, Joe has not yet sent a mockup type thing to David Walker. The last they talked about it sounded like David thought it could be done, but needs to know exactly what we want it to do. Maybe we can discuss that here if we have time.
Any other ideas if there is time. Feel free to add items to this agenda list if you have any.
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
Other universities in gaining access to our Resource Sharing Network | Joe A. & Mallory | One private college in talks with Exlibris about signing on to Alma they were sad about losing link+. Exlibris folks talked to Brandon to see if another college (University of Laverne) could join CSU+. This option may not be a realistic question with that particular college but this did bring up the topic for discussion. Some community colleges are planning to switch to Alma. Joe’s question to the Steering Committee was how would this benefit our students? Seems like it may be more beneficial to them than to the CSU’s. If we could get a network of community colleges with a similar collection we could add them as a secondary rota. What is the benefit to CSU+ over ILLiad?- It saves time and is unmediated. These schools must be in our courier agreement. We will discuss this further after the COLD December meeting. | |
Guidelines for Policies and Procedures | Joe A. | We will not discuss this for now but read over this topic for later discussion. | |
Unity Courier Updates | Joe A. | UC Irvine is getting prepped for deliveries. Joe proposes that we start sending to items to their campus on Monday & UC Davis has been removed from our contract and we should not be sending to them since they are no longer on our contract. | |
Release testing | Natalya, Meghann & | Reactivating a request is ideally supposed to be easier than duplicating a request or reactivating a request that has expired on the holdshelf but patron still wants it. This can only be done by the borrower and when the status is in “request completed” status. So the lender will need to be contacted so the item can be checked in. This feature was tested and the request could not be found in any of the lending tabs but could found from the tasks list of requests that have an “active general message”. The status of the request still showed “request completed”. The lender will not need a paging slip to be printed in this case. Meghann will need to play with rules for testing Push Borrowing Request using API. This will be live tested in December. Sandbox- the partners from the network zone sandbox were not being distributed correctly to network institutions, this will be fixed with the January release. Once repaired Mallory can continue to configure the sandbox. Repeat continue to CONFIGURE. This issue does not affect all sandboxes just us. | |
ILLiad account info in Primo | Joe A. | This feature might be useful to people who are not using NCIP. | |
CalState Walkins | Karla & Joe A. | This policy has not gone anywhere at this time. Meghann would prefer the user to be able to place the request instead of a staff person having to manually create the request for the walk-in patron. Fulfillment concern was giving administrative roles to others. Joe will run this idea to Kevin. Karla’s courtesy return form for CSU books. Karla was thinking of having an intake form from circulation so the patron can get an email notifying them that their books were returned to the wrong campus but the correct library received the courtesy returns. Joe will contact Kevin with new and former concerns. |
Action items
- Due to the holiday there will be an RSFC meeting next Thursday 11/21/19. Should we invite Christine from Fresno to our next meeting to discuss CSU+ Loan terms?