ULMS Resource Sharing : 2019-12-19 Meeting notes




  • ILLiad account info in Primo: Ian Chan at San Marcos is testing and hopes to have implemented in time for Spring semester. He plans to share out with ULMS once successfully implemented. It will need to be set up by Systems people.

  • Release Testing: San Marcos has successfully set up ILLiad as a partner of last report using the API method. Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) will demonstrate what this looks like in Alma and ILLiad. We can discuss limitations and how we’d like to distribute procedures.

  • System Enhancements: ILLiad 9.1 and Alma 2020 Release Notes. Let’s review.

  • Planning for Mallory’s eventual departure: Unless any other agenda items come up we will spend the rest of the meeting discussing the many things we will need to know when Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)'s contract expires.

Discussion topics





ILLiad account info in Primo

Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

  • Once the Primo account info update is ready, Ian will make it available for us to implement. Natalya will demo it for us at that time. Meghann is meeting with her systems folks after winter break to implement it at Humboldt, at which time we will hopefully have Ian’s notes.

Release testing API to use ILLiad as a partner of last resort

Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

  • API: impact on analytics, disparity in loan periods, impact on direct request, assessment, how does it affect those using NCIP?

  • Natalya started testing the API on Monday and got it working pretty easily. [Natalya shows a demo.] The demoed procedure will be written up at a later time.

  • Link to set up direct request for requests coming from ALMA: https://slcny.libanswers.com/faq/266483

  • Routing rule for requests coming from ALMA: http://slcny.libanswers.com/faq/274823

  • Will they count as filled CSU+ requests or filled ILLiad requests? We want them to count as unfilled CSU+ requests. These records will never have arrival dates, so they won’t be counted as filled CSU+ borrowing requests.

  • Records that move from ALMA into ILLiad end in an Exported… (get full name) status in ALMA. A new request with a unique external identifier is created when you receive a loan from ILLiad and the add-on send the NCIP create request message to ALMA.

System enhancements

Action items

