ULMS Resource Sharing : 2020-03-26 Meeting notes




  • Status of CSU+ - Mallory will report on the current status of CSU+ (due dates, no one borrowing or lending, etc.)

  • Lender Check-in Action - We tested the change to Lender Check-in Action and everything worked as advertised. But what about our analytics reports? We will look at the analytics query for the Returned but Not Recd network zone report as well as the history of one of the test items.

  • Confluence Updates - Natalya made a comment form for our Confluence space. Joe A created a page for I-SPIE TV content to live. These will get shown off and we can brainstorm on other things we can do to confluence during remote work.

  • RSFC Hats - Administrative and organizational stuff are other good things that can be worked on from home. Let’s brainstorm and expand on the idea of having different RSFC hats for committee members to wear and maybe set a project to create and finish an organization document that can guide future incarnations of the RSFC.

  • Are there ways to support our community of practice while also taking care of RSFC business during work from home?

  • Any old or new business RSFC members want to discuss: If you have something, feel free to type it in here before the meeting. Or just bring the item to the meeting and we can make time for it.

Discussion topics





5 min

Status of CSU+

Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

CSU+ is down. Nobody is exchanging physical items. CSU+ due dates have been extended to at least May 22nd. Mallory can help with notices if needed. Mallory is helping Jessica enact free resources in the NZ.

5 min

Lender Check-In Action

Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

Testing session in Sandbox was successful. We would like to implement. Would skip“returned item to partner” status. Request Completed at borrower check in. Joe will create an I-SPIE TV episode. Will also consider posting somewhere on Confluence.

10 min

Confluence Updates

Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

Added I-SPIE TV recordings and will add comment form to RS Confluence page. Will create a survey to distribute to the I-SPIE Community on RS Confluence site to see what is missing and what would be useful to add.

5 min



Communications/Oureach/I-SPIE TV liaison, Courier reporting/oversight, Confluence mgmt, Release Testing, I-SPIE Conference liaison, CSU+ analytics.

5 min

Ways to support our community of practice while also taking care of RSFC business

Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

We are still unable to produce our loan period reports in the NZ. Discussed hosting Analytics Zoom session where we show I-SPIEers how to pull their own data in their IZs. Opportunity for folks to become more familiar with analytics and also we can get the data we want.

10 min

CSU+ Satisfaction Survey

Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

Brandon provided some ideas. We won’t be able to distribute until Fall but in the meantime we can work on creating the survey.

  • CSU+ vs ILLiad

  • Load periods

  • Delivery time

Should we use Qualtrics or Google Forms?

5 min

Other stuff

Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

ExL is looking at ways for non-rapido libraries to participate more fully. Two ways.. using rota template functionality and being able to insert rota template into pods - would allow you to go in and out of rapido and creating lender only partners for institutions that don’t have rapido.

Action items
