Present = Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed) Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) Karla Salinas (Unlicensed) Darnesa Morris (Unlicensed)
Absent =
Scribe = Darnesa Morris (Unlicensed)
CSU+ Loan Terms Project - New info on renewals: Some preliminary research on setting up renewals uncovered a potential issue. Let’s discuss potential ramifications. We also started a case with Ex Libris asking for the best way forward if we wanted to do mediated RS renewals.
Alma Enhancement Voting: Let’s discuss any enhancements from the list that might be good for CSU+ or the ULMS project in general.
CSU+ You:): We had a preliminary plan to use the next CSU+ You:) as a ULMS commitee info and RSFC recruitment type thing. Let’s move from preliminary plan to a more fleshed out plan. The live bit will be on next Thursday.
Sandbox assault- Second half of meeting will be some sandbox testing. Testing Checklist: Sandbox URLS and list of books: We don’t have to get through the checklist in one go. We can do as much as we can now and then do more at a later date.
Any old or new business RSFC members want to discuss: If you have something, feel free to type it in here before the meeting. Or just bring the item to the meeting and we can make time for it.
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
11:00 | CSU+ Renewals | More information about this will be gathered but does not seem to pose a huge issue. The renewal period is still being decided. | |
11:12 | Alma Enhancement Voting | Excel document of Alma enhancement voting list was reviewed. One outstanding issue found was with the missing button in Alma. Another with RS sharing notes not being visible in the lending requests task list. Failure to renew reason was another outstanding one. Mark item as missing when canceling a request. Voting is assigned based on enhancement difficulty. Exlibris assigns a point value based on difficulty and time. The number of votes covers what that score is. | |
11:22 | CSU+ You | Folks will be informed about joining committees featuring testimonials from RSFC members; mentioning what is the motivator and benefit of being on the RSFC team, reasons for joining and what was learned; committee experience, what we do, how it’s helped career development. How to sign up and how recruitment is done. | |
11:35 | Sandbox assault | Local Check-in/out was tested and worked. Mallory explained Fulfillment Configuration, if you would like to see what is being applied to loans you can check there by going to Fulfillment tab, under Advanced Tools and clicking Fulfillment Configuration Utility. A Fulfillment role (Fulfillment Services Manager, Fulfillment Administrator, User Manager, Circulation Desk Operator, Circulation Desk Manager) or a General Systems Administrator role is required to view the Fulfillment Configuration Utility. This privilege may also be enabled for Circulation Desk Operator Limited or Fulfillment Services Operator roles by contacting Support. CSU+ Requesting testing- Was successful. One thing is you must allow emails to the email list ex. email in your profile to make sure you get emails. Instructions on how to do this can be found here: |
Action items
- Record testimonials and send them to Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) before Tuesday of next week.
Next meeting: May 6th at 10:00am.