ULMS Resource Sharing : 2020-06-10 Meeting notes




  • Restarting CSU+ - The ULMS Steering Committee has set this as a major topic for their next meeting. So it will be our main topic for today so Natalya and Joe A are prepared for Friday. There are many facets to this so let's make sure to cover them all.

    • CSU+ Loan Period Extension or Renewal Proposal- Draft Proposal here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/171635wcvVHaVfPUi0weao4RhriLNShRnx2C5HpTZ06E/edit Lets discuss and add what we need to make the best argument.

    • Questions from ULMS Steering Committee:

      • What is a reasonable target date for re-starting?

      • Do we need all campuses to start at the same time? What is a critical mass?

      • What do we need to get started? (We covered most of this last time, but lets recap and add anything new.)

  • Any new or old business needing discussed?

Discussion topics






CSU+ Loan Period Extension or Renewal Proposal-


Natalya & Joe will be attending the next ULMS Steering Committee meeting it will be Joe’s last meeting.

The proposal draft was updated. Auto-renewals would depend on each campus & their current renewal configuration. RSFC recommendation is to change the CSU+ loan period to 16 weeks (loan period is subject to change). Plan to send this proposal to extend the CSU+ loan period to COLD this week.


Questions from ULMS Steering Committee


Revised google doc “Concerns for Reopening Libraries” Addressed initial concerns of reopening libraries at the same time.

Target date for restarting CSU? Restarting would not be ideal until ILL Resource Sharing staff is allowed on campus and there is student assistant support. We won’t know until we know more about our own operations.

Do we need all campuses to start at the same time? What is a critical mass? Depending on quality of experience. If there are only a few libraries those libraries may want to configure the lender of last resort.

What do we need to get started? To get CSU+ restarted we may need changes to the request form once it is decided how users will get material. Change request & hold shelf expiration. Unity courier services must be turned back on with staff available for delivery shipments & libraries need time to process returns.

Action items

  • We will discuss outcome of the draft proposal next meeting.