ULMS Resource Sharing : 2020-06-17 Meeting notes




  • Restarting CSU+ - Joe and Natalya will recap talks with ULMS Steering Committee and discuss future plans and possibilities. A Library Re-Opening google sheet is one idea to keep things organized. Maybe a list of recommended best practices and things to consider for library who think they are ready to restart. Would a check list of some sort make sense?

  • Committee transition - New committee membership starts July 1st. This is likely the last meeting of 2019-2020 RSFC. What needs to occur for a smooth transition?

  • Any new or old business needing discussed?

Discussion topics






CSU+ Restart

Natalya and Joe

A lot of discussion at the Steering Committee meetings were about critical mass of libraries to make CSU+ a good system. The idea was to shoot for half of CSU libraries to be ready before restarting anything (CSU+ or Unity courier). John will recommend that deans shoot for August 1st. John will recommend COLD buy 100 new CSU+ bags. We will also have an issue with the flip cards. We will need duplicates. CEO Larry has a PDFs of the flip-cards. We will try to get the PDFs from Unity. If not, recommend to people to photocopy flip cards before sending them all away.


Re-opening Google Sheet: lets use the closing google sheet as a guide:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdQD1b_wDsjcp8pd0P56kyIC6FW8u7sL9gWJZPbcqKg/edit#gid=0

*what pickup/delivery options will be offered by each campus

*anticipated date of in library work

*days of week in operation

*Unity delivery location changes? (Changes to Rider A terms)

Re-opening Checklist: Create a checklist (or list of recommendations and considerations) that people who are ready to restart CSU+ can go over. The recommendation for flip card copying and stuff like that will go in this checklist. Changing patron facing info about turn around time and loan terms will be on the checklist. Changing request form to include alternate address for those campuses mailing books to users. Will this mean CleanSlips will need changed to display alternate address? Change request form to allow for “need by date.” Big question about how changing request form will effect paging slips.


New Committee


New committee members have been informed that they have made the cut. Meghann and Joe A are terming out.

Action items

  • We will discuss outcome of the draft proposal next meeting.
  • Get Mallory to investigate and potentially change signing for Unity deliveries