The CSU+ request link in OneSearch can be renamed fairly easily in Alma. To change the text of the link please follow these directions:
- Open the Alma Configuration page by clicking the gear at the bottom of the left-side menu frame of the Alma screen.
- In the Alma Configuration select Fulfillment → Discovery Interface Display Logic → Labels.
- On the Labels page hit ctrl + F to do a keyword search and search for your current OneSearch label name (searching "CSU+" should also work for most libraries). You will need to at least change the label twice: once for monographs and once for serials. Some configurations may have more fields to change.
- After you find the right fields simply change the desired text and click save. This will immediately change the text in OneSearch.
1.2.png (image/png)
1.PNG (image/png)
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9.PNG (image/png)
10.5.png (image/png)
image2020-11-13_9-34-5.png (image/png)
image2020-11-13_9-37-17.png (image/png)
1.PNG (image/png)
8.5.png (image/png)
9.PNG (image/png)
10.5.png (image/png)
image2020-11-13_9-34-5.png (image/png)
image2020-11-13_9-37-17.png (image/png)