ULMS Resource Sharing : CSU+ OneSearch Label

The CSU+ request link in OneSearch can be renamed fairly easily in Alma. To change the text of the link please follow these directions:

  1. Open the Alma Configuration page by clicking the gear at the bottom of the left-side menu frame of the Alma screen. 
  2. In the Alma Configuration select Fulfillment → Discovery Interface Display Logic → Labels.
  3. On the Labels page hit ctrl + F to do a keyword search and search for your current OneSearch label name (searching "CSU+" should also work for most libraries). You will need to at least change the label twice: once for monographs and once for serials. Some configurations may have more fields to change. 
  4. After you find the right fields simply change the desired text and click save. This will immediately change the text in OneSearch. 


1.2.png (image/png)
1.PNG (image/png)
8.5.png (image/png)
9.PNG (image/png)
10.5.png (image/png)
image2020-11-13_9-34-5.png (image/png)
image2020-11-13_9-37-17.png (image/png)