ULMS Resource Sharing : Primo VE: Other Library's Links Error Options


When we search in Primo VE we can place hold shelf or digitization requests at other libraries through our local library's interface. Example: I searched "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" at San Bernardino. If I click "CSU LIBRARIES THAT OWN THIS ITEM" I see all the libraries that own the book. So far so good, but if I click “CSU Bakersfield” I am given the option to request the book for the hold shelf/lockers or a digitization request as if I was a Bakersfield patron and not a San Bernardino patron.

I learned that these links appear because the system is letting users automatically link their account to other libraries for direct requesting when they check the availability of a book at another CSU campus. After a patron links their account they will then see the other library on their library card as well. To get around this issue there are three options with their own pros and cons.

Option #1 The Collaborative Fix

These links can be prevented from appearing for users who have not already linked their accounts to other libraries, which at this point would be most users who aren't testing VE functionality. To stop your links from appearing at other CSUs go to the Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings and scroll near the bottom to uresolver_remote_register parameter and change the setting from Auto to None. This will stop your links at other CSUs, but unfortunately will not stop other library’s links from appearing at your institution. To make this option effective all CSU campuses need to change the setting to None.


  • Fixes the issue for all currently unaffected patrons

  • Libraries can still show what libraries also own any given book, DVD, etc.


  • Requires everyone to agree to this option

  • If a patron already linked their account to any library the problem will persist with links to the linked library

I am currently looking for a way to unlink libraries. If I can unlink libraries then this would be a comprehensive solution. I am also willing to change this setting for you if you are busy, just contact cwlee@calstate.edu

Option 2: The Sledgehammer

Another option would be to remove the list of libraries that also hold the book. This would remove functionality that may be useful to certain patrons such as visiting scholars or Special Collections Librarians, but it would fix the issue.

To completely hide the list of libraries go to the Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views and edit the view you are currently using. Near the bottom of the page uncheck Display locations from member institutions. Now your library wont show the list of libraries that also own any given book, DVD, etc.


  • Fixes the issue

  • Doesn’t require collaboration


  • Removes useful functionality

Option 3: High Tech Solution

The third option is to develop CSS to hide the links on the websites. David Walker at the Office of the Chancellor is willing to explore this option and get it up and running. He would add it to the Central Package and push it out to all libraries, possibly by the end of the week.


  • Fixes solution


  • None