Implementation Mode GES
The following GES may be helpful to have active during the Implementation Mode period before go live. GES is tricky and sometimes unique to your campus. You probably already have the following rule, or a similar rule, and can skip making any new GES. If you don’t have GES to add an ILLiad link for articles you may want to use the following rule.
To make or edit GES go to Configuration → Fulfillment → Discovery Interface Display Logic → General Electronic Services and click Add Service to start a new GES rule. In the new rule make sure the following settings are included:
Is this a Document Delivery/ILL Service? = Yes
Display Location = Viewit & How To Getit
URL Template = your campus ILLiad URL
After adding the rule, open it and go to the Service Availability Rules tab. In this tab you are going to add seven rules of when to display your ILLiad link instead of your CSU+ link. Each rule will tell Alma to display the ILLiad link if the item has a genre of Article, Journal, Book Chapter, Conference Proceeding, Technical Report, Document, or Unknown. Click Add Rule, give it a name, and then click Add Parameter (one parameter per rule). Add the following parameters:
rft.genre = article
rft.genre = journal
rft.genre = bookitem
rft.genre = proceeding
rft.genre = report
rft.genre = unknown
rft.genre = document
All parameters should also be marked IsDisplay: True.
This will make your ILLiad link for articles. Y